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Reuse of water in Denmark

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1 Reuse of water in Denmark
Frontpage Head of section Karen Dalgaard Sanning

2 New focus on reuse of water – even in Denmark
Background New focus on reuse of water – even in Denmark Development of guidelines Establishment of a new partnership Page with title and one column Danish Ministry of the Environment, Nature Agency

3 Background Denmark has previously used purified surface water in its drinking water supply. 100 % of the drinking water in Denmark now derives from ground water. The water has a high quality and is therefore not chlorinated. Our goal is to maintain the high quality of the drinking water and ensure the future availability of clean ground water. Page with title and one column Danish Ministry of the Environment, Nature Agency

4 New focus on reuse of water
The Danish Ministry of the Environment has a focus on water efficiency as a result of pressure on water resources - especially in Eastern Denmark. Denmark needs water-efficient solutions. Manufacturing companies have increased focus on optimization as a result of high water and electricity prices. Denmark is increasingly focussing on the possibilities for using water of another quality than drinking water.

5 Water quality – reuse of water
There is an obvious need to clarify the regulation regarding reuse of water. We are developing guidelines regarding use of different qualities of water based on the current regulation in Denmark (irrigation, industrial use and domestic use). The guidance is expected to be published in 2014. The objective is to create clarity and possibilities within the current regulation. Page with title and one column Danish Ministry of the Environment, Nature Agency

6 A new partnership – a new concept!
We wants to make a new collaboration involving: public authorities, research institutions, water companies, large water consumers, international actors and technology manufacturers. The Danish Ministry of the Environment is currently offering funding of approximately 1 million euro to this consortium or partnership. Page with title and one column Danish Ministry of the Environment, Nature Agency

7 A new partnership The partnership has to be able to:
Help to achieve the goal of significantly increased reuse of water (reduce consumption of potable water in large companies in Denmark). Promote technology development. Evaluate if the current regulation is adequate and encourages innovation. • Document that reuse of water does not pose a health risk as well as document effects on the environment and economy. Page with title and one column Danish Ministry of the Environment, Nature Agency

8 Proces The financial contribution depends on whether the result of the partnership are going to benefit a wider range of businesses, the public sector or society in general, or just resulting in technology development, testing or demonstrating of activities etc. Application deadline 18 November 2013. Establishment of the partnership expected December 2013. More information in Danish: Page without title and one column SIDE 8 8

9 For more information: Head of section Karen Dalgaard Sanning
Haraldsgade 53 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark Phone: End page Danish Ministry of the Environment, Nature Agency

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