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World War I USH-5.4.

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1 World War I USH-5.4

2 I. Causes Militarism A strong spirit of enlarging the military
Created to be able to build and protect empires Country Troops Russia 12,000,000 Germany 11,000,000 England 8,904,467 Austria-Hungary 7,800,000 France 8,410,000 Italy 5,615,000 Serbia 707,343 Ottoman Empire 2,850,000

3 I. Causes Alliances Agreements between nations to help each other
Triple Alliance Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Triple Entente England France Russia Secret alliances too

4 I. Causes Imperialism Each of the major nations had empires
They each wanted places the others owned

5 I. Causes Nationalism Each country wants to be bigger and stronger than the others Some nations weren’t real Groups inside of empires

6 II. The Spark Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to Austria-Hungary
Visiting Bosnia in A-H The area had lots of nationalist feelings and was dangerous Killed by Gavrilo Princip Serbian from A-H that wanted Serbs in A-H to be part of Serbia not A-H

7 II. The Spark A-H imposes impossible demands on Serbia
A-H declares war on Serbia Serbia and Russia have a secret alliance Russia declared war on A-H Germany declares war on Russia and France The Schlieffen Plan said this had to be done to protect Germany England declares war on everyone else after Belgium is attacked

8 III. Fighting WWI Two major alliances change a little
Triple Entente becomes the Allied Powers England France Italy (in 1915) Russia (until 1917) United States (in 1917) Triple Alliance becomes the Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Ottoman Empire

9 III. Fighting WWI Fought on two fronts
Germany is surrounded Schlieffen Plan said Germany had to attack France & Russia at same time Prevents being undefended on the backside Eastern Front has a lot of movement Russians were so bad and mismanaged they retreated hundreds of miles Fighting leads to Russian Revolution Russia becomes the Soviet Union and they surrender

10 III. Fighting WWI Western Front has even more death
Trench warfare with No Man’s Land Quickly turns into a stalemate Weeks to move a few yards

11 III. Fighting WWI New technology created death Wireless communication
Tanks and armored vehicles Airplanes Machine guns Chemical weapons Burns and melts you Hand grenades Submarines

12 IV. US neutrality US declared neutrality GB was oldest trading partner
Not choosing a side Lasted for a while but eventually we entered GB was oldest trading partner GB also blockaded Germany to stop US US businesses loaned money to Allies

13 IV. US neutrality Germans began using unrestricted submarine warfare
Sinking any ship they thought was helping the Allies Americans get angry when their ships are sunk In 1915, U-boat sinks the Lusitania, a GB passenger ship Has American passengers US gets very angry

14 IV. US neutrality Anti-German feelings
Threatened Changed names Businesses closed Espionage and Sedition Act of 1918  forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the US

15 IV. US neutrality Germans promise to only attack military ships
Wilson is reelected in 1916 Slogan was “He kept us out of the war” In 1917, Germany restarts unrestricted submarine warfare

16 IV. US neutrality British intercept and publish the Zimmermann Note
German letter to Mexico Asked Mexico to attack the US to keep US busy Germany would then help Mexico get back land after Germany won in Europe Americans are VERY ANGRY Mexico says no

17 V. US Involvement Wilson asks Congress to declare war in April 1917
He wants to be involved in the peace process “Make the world safe for democracy” US fights in France on Western Front Not great just fresh bodies Armistice on 11/11/1918 Fighting ends, but war is not officially over

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