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The War at Sea.

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1 The War at Sea

2 The Importance of the Seas
Why was the sea important for Germany? Why was the sea important for GB? GB is an island! Germany lacks sufficient iron supplies... The sea protects it... And food stuffs for a huge population. It has to import food & supplies from the Empire & the USA. Germany is also being blockaded by GB. It needs to send troops & supplies to France. What would happen if GB lost control of the seas?

3 A Quiet Start to the Sea War
Before 1916 no major sea battles. 2 skirmishes at Coronel & The Falklands. Both sides frightened of losing. GB stayed at Scapa Flow and Germans at Kiel.

4 The Battle of Jutland Jan Admiral von Scheer in charge of German High Seas Fleet. Wanted quick defeat of British. His plan: lure GB out into North Sea with small fleet... Trap from behind with rest of the fleet! But GB had cracked German naval codes... Admiral Beatty met the German ‘bait’ & lured it back to the Grand Fleet! A huge battle took place: The Battle of Jutland (31 May 1916). 250 ships altogether at sea!

5 Who won the Battle of Jutland?
Both sides claimed the victory. GB lost 14 ships & G. lost 11. A German victory on paper. But GB said von Scheer first to flee… German navy never again left its port.

6 The War under the Sea Why was GB so vulnerable?
It could be cut off from Europe. Supplies were cut off. Or starved into surrender... In Feb Germany began its U-boat campaign. A ‘war zone’ was declared around GB. Any ship there would be sunk! GB losses were huge.

7 How did the British react to this threat?
Rationing of food. Shelling but difficult to hit in time Zigzag to avoid torpedoes. By 1918 there was a stalemate at sea. Depth charges. Steel nets around ships but ineffective. Mines at different levels. Ramming when surface!

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