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Learning Target I can describe the following three ancient civilizations in Arizona: Anasazi, Mogollon, and Hohokam..

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Target I can describe the following three ancient civilizations in Arizona: Anasazi, Mogollon, and Hohokam.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Target I can describe the following three ancient civilizations in Arizona: Anasazi, Mogollon, and Hohokam..

2 200 BC – 1200 AD All we know of these people comes from artifacts.
Ancient Arizonans 200 BC – 1200 AD All we know of these people comes from artifacts. Any object made by humans that is characteristic of an earlier time or cultural stage.

3 Any object made by humans that is characteristic of an earlier
Ancient Arizonans Artifact Any object made by humans that is characteristic of an earlier time or culture. Any object made by humans that is characteristic of an earlier time or cultural stage.

4 Ancient Arizonans Archaeologist
A person who studies the culture of historic and prehistoric people through the exploration of artifacts that are left by those people.


6 Anasazi Workbook images:
Mesa Verde Anasazi Map

7 Anasazi The name was given by the Navajo Indians. It means ancient ones. The Anasazi lived in the 4-Corners region. The Anasazi were an agrarian society. This means that they were farmers. Their dwellings developed from pithouses to pueblos to cliff dwellings.





12 Anasazi Archeologists are unsure of why the Anasazi left the 4-corners area. 23 year drought Warfare Descendants of the Anasazi are probably the Hopi people.





17 Mogollon


19 Mogollon This tribe is named for Juan Ignacio Mogollon, the early Spanish governor of New Mexico. They lived in the mountainous areas of the transition and basin and range zones. The Mogollon lived on wild game, nuts, roots, berries, and seeds. They had very little agriculture.

20 Mogollon The Mogollon lived in villages, in single family pit houses.
They developed the first pottery in Arizona. The Mogollon migrated to Casa Grandes, Mexico, and left no descendants in Arizona.



23 Hohokam


25 Hohokam Hohokam is a Pima word meaning “all used up”.
The Hohokam are known as the first Phoenicians. They were master farmers. They lived in the Salt River Valley. The Hohokam were probably the most progressive people group of their time in what is today’s United States.

26 Hohokam The Hohokam lived in pithouses, and later, adobe compounds.
Abundant food gave them time for relaxation and recreation including sports, arts, and crafts.



29 Hohokam The Hohokam developed the largest prehistoric irrigation project in North America. Some canals measured up to 30–50 feet wide and 15 feet deep. Fifty men and women could dig three feet a day. Before being dammed, the Salt River was probably 100 feet wide and 5-6 feet deep with tall stands of willows and cottonwoods.


31 Hohokam The Hohokam are also called the merchants of the Southwest.
They acted as middlemen for trade that extended from Mexico to the 4 Corners region, and possibly beyond to the Great Lakes region.




35 Hohokam During peak years, the Hohokam population numbered between 20,000 to 60,000. Their culture could have declined because of drought, warfare, or soil depletion.

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