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Ovonic Cognitive Computer, LLC formed 9/26/2002

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1 Ovonic Cognitive Computer, LLC formed 9/26/2002
Stan Ovshinsky Helmutt Fritsche Morel Cohen Dave Strand Guy Wicker Boil Pashmakov Pat Klersy Robert Miller

2 The problem with computers
Memory Processor Data Transmission Processor is too slow Memory access is too slow Not enough memory

3 Memory Heirarchy gives unlimited Memory, but leads to “bottlenecks”
Processor Cache DRAM SSD NAND HDD cloud slow 10 nanoseconds nanoseconds millisecond second second 128 Megabytes Gigabytes Gigabytes terrabytes infinity Obfuscation of origin 3DXpoint bridges the gap between DRAM and SSD

4 3DXpoint is Ovonic Threshold and Memory switches connected
ECD 1970 3D version ECD 1987

5 3DXpoint solves the “bottleneck”, speeding up access 10 to 100X
But processors are still too slow Memory Processor Data Transmission GPU Data Transmission Graphics processors are now widely employed to speed large, data intensive operations

6 Graphics Processors are 100X faster than normal microprocessors
But they require more data transmission and more memory Nvidia Jetson TX2 GPU $600 Connect 6 video cameras to it and it can drive a car unaided. It can do 1.2 trillion calculations per second

7 GPUs drive cars, recognize any human language, and analyze huge
amounts of data using ~1000X1000X8 Neural Network emulation They emulate the function of a neuron in a network of neurons. It takes an enormous amount of calculation to model each neuron and sequentially calculate the entire network. The Ovonic Cognitive Computer elements have similar function to a neuron. They don’t emulate neural networks, they actually are Neural networks.

8 Output fires when the threshold is reached by summing the inputs
Neurosynaptic Cell Ovonic Single and Multiple Cells have the same properties as neurons and biological cells Dendrites Output fires when the threshold is reached by summing the inputs Nucleus Axon Inputs saturate with a sigmoidal response Neural Network computing Uses a nerve-like connected array of elements with saturating, weighted inputs and outputs when a threshold is reached

9 Ovonic switches can implement a Physical Neural Network
Ovonic Threshold Device Ovonic Memory Device Switching in chalcogenide materials based on lone-pair excitation: Threshold noncrystallizing OTS Memory phase change OMS The voltage and current characteristics can be tailored for the requirements of the application This is the only practical device that works. RRAMs, Memristors and quantum computing devices are being researched. Ovonic devices are now commercial products.

10 Ovonic Memory Multi-State Data Storage
PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE (V) DEVICE RESISTANCE (Ohms) For Storage: Multiple bits per cell increases storage density and reduces cost For Processing: The analog characteristic provides ideal means for synaptic weighting

11 Ovonic Multi-Terminal Threshold Device
This simplifies control in a synaptic environment

12 The Ovonic Cognitive Computer
Conventional Silicon Computers Each Element: Computes based on single bit (binary) manipulation Manipulates data sequentially, bit by bit Ovonic Cognitive Computer Manipulates, processes and stores information in a non- volatile radiation hard and multilevel manner Hardware and software are unified Low voltage and low current operation Performs arithmetic operations (+,-,x, ) on multi-bit numbers (0,1,2,3…n) Performs modular arithmetic Combines logic and memory in a single device Executes multi-valued logic Stores the result in a non-volatile manner Simple, powerful encryption Acts as a neurosynaptic cell; i.e. possesses intelligence capability Scales down to angstrom scale dimensions; huge density Device speed in the picosecond range Capable of massive parallelism; also addressing different values

13 Ovonic Cognitive Device Operation

14 Well over 1000 startups are pursuing cognition with >$20B invested

15 September 10 - 16, 2017 Aachen, Germany
2016 2011

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