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The Data Driven Flipped Classroom

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2 The Data Driven Flipped Classroom
Speed Innovation: NAIS 2014 Conference

3 About Us Lisa Abel-Palmieri, Rick Malmstrom,
Director of Tech & Innovation The Ellis School: Pittsburgh, PA Rick Malmstrom, Upper School History

4 The Flipped Classroom..

5 Learning Analytics.. If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
-Lord Kelvin

6 that learners leave behind
Learning Analytics is about collecting traces that learners leave behind and using those traces to improve learning.

7 Breakthroughs in Learning Analytics are leading us closer to
personalization of learning for all learners....

8 collect refine report adapt predict

9 What is Classroom Salon?
Can be used as a part of the flipped classroom in both STEM & the Humanities Text and Video annotation to understand how student engaged with content Tagging & Hotspots drive analytics Teacher looks at these before class to develop groups and personalize learning

10 Flipped Math Class in a Salon

11 Sample Analytics

12 Example Assignment in Classroom Salon - AP Gov’t & Politics
Homework - Night 1 Read this Washington Post article: 14 Reasons Why This is the Worst Congress. EVER. Tag and annotate selected passages with: #general #needs to be fixed first #makes me really angry Tag #discuss for areas of the article you wish to discuss tomorrow in class

13 Homework - Night 2 Read all and then respond to at least 2 other students’ annotations Take a look at the analytics


15 2 Questions What can we measure and how is it relevant?
What is relevant and how can we measure it?

16 Lisa
@Learn21Tech Rick @rickmalm3

17 Appendix

18 Tools to Flip Your Class
DIY - Place in your LMS TechSmith: JING (free) & Camtasia (paid) MS One Note YouTube attached to Google Apps for Education Classroom Salon & Sophia - many others! Open Resources TED-ED Khan Academy, YouTube, MOOCs i.e, edX & Coursera


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