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Power Calculation for QTL Association

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1 Power Calculation for QTL Association
Pak Sham, Shaun Purcell Twin Workshop 2001

2 Biometrical model Genotype AA Aa aa Frequency (1-p) 2 2p(1-p) p2
Trait mean -a d a Trait variance 2 2 2 Overall mean a(2p-1)+2dp(1-p)

3 P(X) = GP(X|G)P(G) P(X) Aa aa AA X

4 Equal allele frequencies

5 Rare increaser allele

6 Linear regression analysis
aa Aa AA

7 Power of QTL association - regression analysis
N = [z - z1-] 2 / A2 z : standard normal deviate for significance  z1- : standard normal deviate for power 1- A2 : proportion of variance due to additive QTL

8 Required Sample Sizes QTL variance 10%

9 Power of likelihood ratio tests
For chi-squared tests on large samples, power is determined by non-centrality parameter () and degrees of freedom (df)  = E(2lnL1 - 2lnL0) = E(2lnL1 ) - E(2lnL0) where expectations are taken at asymptotic values of maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) under an assumed true model

10 Between and within sibships components of means

11 Variance/Covariance explained
The better the fit of a means model: - the greater the explained variances and covariances - the smaller the residual variances and covariances

12 Variance of b- component

13 Variance of w- component

14 Covariance between b- and w- components

15 Null model

16 Between model

17 Within model

18 Full model

19 NCPs for component tests

20 Determinant of a uniform covariance matrix

21 Determinants of residual covariance matrices

22 NCPs of b- and w- tests

23 Definitions of LD parameters
B1 B2 A1 pr + D ps - D p A2 qr - D qs + D q r s pr + D < min(p, r) D < min(p, r) - pr  DMAX = min(ps, rq) = min(p-pr, r-pr) D’ = D / DMAX = min(ps, rq) R2 = D2 / pqrs

24 Apparent variance components at marker locus

25 Exercise: Genetic Power Calculator
Use Genetic Power Calculator, Association Analysis option Investigate the sample size requirement for the between and within sibship tests under a range of assumptions Vary sibship size additive QTL variance sibling correlation QTL allele frequencies marker allele frequencies D’

26 N for 90% power Individuals 0 - 10% QTL variance
QTL, Marker allele freqs = 0.50 D-prime = 1 No dominance Type I error rate = 0.05 Test for total association

27 QTL variance

28 QTL variance

29 Effect of sibship size Sibship size 1 - 5
Sib correlation = 0.25 , 0.75 5% QTL variance QTL, Marker allele freqs = 0.50 D-prime = 1 No dominance Type I error rate = 0.05

30 Total

31 Within

32 Between

33 Exercises 1. What effect does the QTL allele frequency have on power if the test is at the QTL ? 2. What effect does D’ have? 3. What is the effect of differences between QTL and marker allele frequency?

34 Allele frequency & LD QTL allele freq = 0.05, no dominance
Sample sizes for 90% power : Marker allele freq D’ N D’ N

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