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Classes and Objects Reusing Classes with Composition

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1 Classes and Objects Reusing Classes with Composition
CMSC 202 Classes and Objects Reusing Classes with Composition

2 Topics Composition Person class example Class invariant
Copy constructor Privacy leaks July 21, 2008

3 Code Reuse Effective software development relies on reusing existing code Code reuse must be more than just copying code and changing it which is often the case with procedural languages like C The goal with OOP languages is to reuse classes without changing the code within the class - one OOP technique for code reuse is known as composition July 21, 2008

4 A Simple Database Your favorite cousin wishes to implement a simple database of family relatives. His application has only a few requirements. He would like record the name, birthday, and deathday of each family relative. A report is required that prints all information for each family member. Family members must be comparable to avoid duplicate entries in the database. For ease of data entry, it must be possible to make a copy of an existing family member. Your contribution to this project is to design and implement a class named Person that will represent a single family member. July 21, 2008

5 Designing a Person Class Behaviors/Services
After reading the problem description the following behaviors/services have been identified for the Person class Create a Person with a name, birthday, and date of death Compare two Person objects to determine if they are identical Format a string containing all Person attributes Create a new Person which is the copy of an existing person July 21, 2008

6 Designing A Person Class Instance Variables
To support the required services, a simple Person class could contain instance variables representing a person's name, the date on which they were born, and the date on which they died. These instance variables would all be class types: name of type String, and two dates of type Date. As a first line of defense for privacy and to provide proper encapsulation, each of the instance variables would be declared private. public class Person { private String name; private Date born; private Date died; //null means still alive . . . July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 6

7 Designing a Person Class Constraints
In order to exist, a person must have (at least) a name and a birth date. Therefore, it would make no sense to have a no-argument Person class constructor. A person who is still alive does not yet have a date of death. Therefore, the Person class constructor will need to be able to deal with a null value for date of death. A person who has died must have had a birth date that preceded his or her date of death. Therefore, when both dates are provided, they will need to be checked for consistency. July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 7

8 Designing a Person Class The Class Invariant
A statement that is always true for every object of the class is called a class invariant. A class invariant can help to define a class in a consistent and organized way. For the Person class, the following should always be true: An object of the class Person has a name, a date of birth (which is not null), and if the object has a date of death, then the date of death is equal to or later than the date of birth Checking the Person class confirms that this is true of every object created by a constructor, and all the other methods (e.g., the private method consistent) preserve the truth of this statement. July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 8

9 Class Invariant Summary
The class invariant is stated as part of the class documentation Error checking in the constructor(s) and mutators insure that the class invariant is not violated. Methods of the class which do not change the class’ state may assume the class invariant holds. July 21, 2008

10 A Person Class Constructor
public Person( String theName, Date birthDate, Date deathDate ) { // check that birthDate <= deathDate // consistent( ) is a private helper method if ( theName != null && consistent(birthDate, deathDate)) name = theName; born = new Date( birthDate ); // copy the birtheDate object if( deathDate == null ) died = null; else died = new Date( deathDate ); } // later we’ll deal with errors differently System.out.println( "Inconsistent Person parameters.“ ); System.exit( 0 ); Note that name does not make a copy of theName in the same way that born makes a copy of birthDate This is possible because Java Strings are immutable, so it’s ok that multiple references share the same String object July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 10

11 Designing a Person Class The Class Invariant
/** Class invariant: A Person always has a date of birth, and if the Person has a date of death, then the date of death is equal to or later than the date of birth. To be consistent, name and birthDate must not be null. If there is no date of death (deathDate == null), that is consistent with any birthDate. Otherwise, the birthDate must come before or be equal to the deathDate. precedes() is a boolean method in Date */ private boolean consistent(Date birthDate, Date deathDate) { if( birthDate == null ) return false; if( deathDate == null ) return true; return birthDate.precedes( deathDate ) || birthDate.equals( deathDate ); } July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 11

12 Composition Note that the Person class contains three class type instance variables. private String name; private Date born; private Date died; The use of classes as instance variables is a design method known as aggregation or composition. Composition is a fundamental way to reuse code, but there are coding considerations when composition is used. July 21, 2008

13 Composition Considerations
With composition, Person becomes a user of the Date and String classes The Person class has no special privileges with respect to Date or String The Person class should delegate responsibility to the Date and String classes whenever possible July 21, 2008

14 Designing a Person Class The equals method
The definition of equals for the class Person includes an invocation of equals for the class String, and an invocation of the method equals for the class Date. The Person class passes responsibility for determining equality to the String and Date classes invoking their equals methods. This is an important example of code reuse arising from the use of composition to implement Person Java determines which equals method is being invoked from the type of its calling object. July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 14

15 Designing a Person Class The equals Method
public boolean equals(Person otherPerson) { if (otherPerson == null) return false; else return name.equals( && born.equals(otherPerson.born) && datesMatch(died, otherPerson.died); } This is the equals method for the String class This is the equals method for the Date class This is a special helper method that handles null Date references July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley All rights reserved 15

16 Designing a Person Class datesMatch Helper Method
/** To match date1 and date2 must either be the same date or both be null. */ private boolean datesMatch( Date date1, Date date2 ) { if( date1 == null ) return date2 == null; // both null is ok else if( date2 == null ) // && date1 != null return false; // only one null not ok else // both dates are not null return date1.equals( date2 ); } July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 16

17 Designing a Person Class the toString Method
The Person class toString method includes invocations of the Date class toString method. Again, an example of code reuse and delegation of responsibility due to composition. public String toString( ) { String diedString; if( died == null ) diedString = ""; //Empty string else diedString = died.toString( ); return name + ", " + born + "-" + diedString; } This is the same as born.toString( ) July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 17

18 Designing a Person Class Making a copy
Making a copy of an object requires a special method called a copy constructor A copy constructor is a constructor with a single argument of the same type as the class. The copy constructor should create an object that is a separate, independent object, but with the instance variables set so that it is an exact copy of the argument object July 21, 2008

19 Copy Constructor for a Class with Primitive Type Instance Variables
// a class that does not use composition can // simply copy the values of the primitive instance // variables public Date( Date aDate ) { if( aDate == null ) // Not a real date object parameter // we’ll handle errors differently later System.out.println( "Fatal Error.“ ); System.exit( 0 ); } // just copy the primitive variables using assignment // month is a String which is NOT primitive, but that’s ok month = aDate.month; day =; year = aDate.year; July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 19

20 Copy Constructor for a Class Using Composition
Because of composition, the technique used with Date will not work correctly with Person public Person( Person original ) { if( original == null ) System.out.println( "Fatal error.“ ); System.exit( 0 ); } name =; // ok born = original.born //dangerous died = original.died //dangerous This code would not create an independent copy of the original object. Why not? July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 20

21 Copy Constructor for a Class with Class Type Instance Variables
The actual copy constructor for the Person class is a "safe" version that creates completely new and independent copies of born and died, and therefore, a completely new and independent copy of the original Person object. For example: born = new Date( original.born ); Note that in order to define a correct copy constructor for a class that uses composition, copy constructors must already be defined for the instance variables' classes (eg Date) July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 21

22 Copy Constructor for a Class Using Composition
public Person( Person original ) { if( original == null ) System.out.println( "Fatal error.“ ); System.exit( 0 ); } name =; born = new Date( original.born ); if( original.died == null ) died = null; else died = new Date( original.died ); // Why don’t we have to create a new string for name? Name = new String( is unnecessay because Strings are immutable July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 22

23 Using and Misusing References
When writing a program, it is very important to insure that private instance variables remain truly private. For a primitive type instance variable, just adding the private modifier to its declaration should insure that there will be no privacy leaks. For a class type instance variable, adding the private modifier alone is not sufficient. July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 23

24 Pitfall: Privacy Leaks
The previously illustrated examples from the Person class show how an incorrect definition of a copy constructor can result in a privacy leak. A similar problem can occur with incorrectly defined mutator or accessor methods. Wrong public Date getBirthDate( ) { return born; //dangerous – why?? } Correct return new Date( born ); //correct July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 24

25 Composition with Arrays
Just as a class type can be used as an instance variable, arrays can also be used as instance variables. We can define an array with a primitive base type private double[ ] grades; or an array with a class base type private Date [ ] dates; July 21, 2008

26 Privacy Leaks with Array Instance Variables
If an accessor method does return the contents of an array, special care must be taken, just as when an accessor returns a reference to any private object. public double[ ] getGrades( ) { return grades; } The example above will result in a privacy leak. Why is this so? July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 26

27 Privacy Leaks with Array Instance Variables
The previous accessor method would simply return a reference to the array grades itself. Instead, an accessor method should return a reference to a deep copy of the private array object. Below, grades is an array which is an instance variable of the class containing the getGrades method. public double[ ] getGrades( ) { double[ ] temp = new double[ grades.length ]; for( int i = 0; i < grades.length; i++ ) temp[ i ] = grades[ i ]; return temp; } July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 27

28 Privacy Leaks with Array Instance Variables
If a private instance variable is an array that has a mutable class as its base type, then copies must be made of each class object in the array when the array is copied. public Date[ ] getDates( ) { Date[ ] temp = new Date[ dates.length ]; for( int i = 0; i < dates.length; i++ ) temp[ i ] = new Date( dates[ i ] ); return temp; } July 21, 2008 Copyright © 2008 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved 28

29 But what if… the user really wants to change the array within the class? The user shouldn’t know that the class uses an array The array must represent some abstract data element in the class (eg student grades) Provide a method that changes the the abstract data element without revealing the existence of an array July 21, 2008

30 Remember… “Keep it secret, keep it safe” July 21, 2008

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