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Information Search Week 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Search Week 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Search Week 4

2 Objectives Alternative methods for searching the Internet
Information management Marketing research strategies Implications of finding information

3 Alternative Methods to Find Information
Typing in the web address of a known page (URL) Search engines Directories (or web catalogues) Surfing

4 Universal Resource Locators URL
Text that indicates the address of a web site. It is typed into a web browser window, and the browser will then locate and load the web site. It is in the form of:

5 Search Engines Use special automatic tools known as spiders or robots to index web pages of registered sites. Users can search this index by typing in keywords to specify their interest. Pages containing these keywords will be listed, and clicking on a hyperlink will take the user to the site.

6 Order of Web Sites in Search Engines
Occurrence of the keyword in the title Number of occurrences of the keyword in the text of the web page Whether the keyword is in the ‘meta-tags’ or hidden keywords on a web page How popular the page is with users

7 Directories and Catalogues
Directories provide a structure listing of registered web sites in different categories. They are similar to an electronic version of the yellow pages. Yahoo! And Yell are the best-known examples of directories.

8 Functional e.g. Yahoo, MarketSite
Search Engines Directories Functional e.g. Yahoo, MarketSite Vertical e.g. Vertical Net Geographical e.g. ThisIsX

9 Portals : information covered
www. searchenginewatch. com Search example

10 Choosing the Best Portal
Which is best? Speed  Hotbot Search criteria  Hotbot Coverage  Altavista, FAST NorthernLight Large company information  Yahoo Small company information  Yahoo, Yell

11 Search Engines Popularity

12 Search Engines Review Source:

13 Tips – Formulating queries
Use as many words as possible Use advanced syntax Place phrase in quotes Exclude other domains e.g.

14 Tips – Reviewing Results
Top 20 are best, usually Check % relevance Review Title Domain Sample text Bear in mind most lists are sorted by title and keyword (not infallible)

15 Customer (Market) Strategy
What information? Market demand by segment, trends Buyer behaviour / characteristics Customer attitudes Internet Access Served market (e.g. 17% of adults) Active visitors

16 A Strategy for Published MR Data
Use online digests of published MR data Use directories of MR companies (MR portals) to visit agencies systematically 3. Visit individual MR agencies and sign up for notification Government data sources

17 Useful Information Sources
Companies and different business markets – Yahoo! Products and services – Alta Vista Local companies – Electronic Yellow Pages Industry information – Yahoo Hierarchy Market research data – AC Nielson, Economist Intelligence Unit, etc Educational information Full text electronic academic journals, abstracts and newspapers – Emerald, Proquest, etc

18 Implications of finding information
Since a great number of sources are used to find information, a company promoting its web site should be represented on as many as possible. Information contained on web sites should be available to users of different behavioral patterns The of push techniques such as newsletters should not be underestimated as a means of communicating with business customers.

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