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APPR Training NYSUT Rubric.

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Presentation on theme: "APPR Training NYSUT Rubric."— Presentation transcript:

1 APPR Training NYSUT Rubric

2 Overview of NYSUT 2014 Rubric:
We will be using the Seven Teaching Standards Each Standard then has Elements (We reviewed these at the last faculty meeting) Each Element also has Indicators, which is what we will observe you on when we come into your classrooms.

3 During our last faculty meeting we:
Discussed the changes in the APPR (3012.d) Reviewed our new assessment tool which is now the NYSUT rubric. Reviewed the Teaching Standards and Elements

4 Focus for the next three faculty meetings
Today: We will look at the Elements and Indicators listed under Standard One and Standard Two. November Faculty Meeting: We will look at the Elements and Indicators under Standard Three, Four, and Five. December Faculty Meeting: We will look at the Elements and Indicators as listed under Standard Six and Seven.

5 Moving forward: After we look at the Standards, Elements, and Indicators, we will then look at indicators of success under each of the rubrics listed.

6 Training for Today: Go to the L Drive Click on APPR Training
When you open this click on “APPR Matching Training. flipchart” When the flipchart opens, you will then click on the arrow on the right hand side. (Be patient it will open)  Click on F2 and then you will match the indicator to the element listed.

7 Training for Today (cont.)
When you are done matching up the indicators to the elements, for the Standard that you are reviewing, please get a handout from your building principal. Look over your answers and compare them to what is on the sheet. Look deeper into each of the indicators and read all parts of that rubric. Remember- the indicators is what you will be observed and scored on.

8 Learning Curve We are all learning this process together and want to be sure that we afford the time for everyone to learn the NYS Teaching Standards, Elements, and Performance Indicators.

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