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From Reading to Writing (School-Based Reading Programme) Primary 3

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1 From Reading to Writing (School-Based Reading Programme) Primary 3
Reading Workshop From Reading to Writing (School-Based Reading Programme) Primary 3 St. Mary’s Canossian School

2 Reading skills to be covered
Skim and scan text to obtain the gist and locate specific information Locate specific information in a text in response to questions Recognize the structure of a story Make inferences or prediction Recognize the base words within other words

3 Book list Primary 3 Fiction Non-fiction Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory Grumpy Bear The Magic Porridge Pot Masks Food

4 Characters in the story: e.g. Big Bear Colin Crocodile Rosie Rabbit
Alliteration Use a sequence of words in which the initial letter is the same. Characters in the story: e.g. Big Bear Colin Crocodile Rosie Rabbit

5 Students create their own picture dictionary.

6 Expose students to different text types e. g
Expose students to different text types e.g. tongue twister, diary, recipe

7 Students learn different forms of words e. g
Students learn different forms of words e.g. formation of nouns from verbs Students learn the formation of compound words

8 From shared reading to creative writing
1. This ___ is made with ___ and other foods. 2.

9 Thank you !

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