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Ms. Stone’s Second- Grade Class

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Stone’s Second- Grade Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Stone’s Second- Grade Class
Welcome Students!

2 Welcome to Second Grade!
This is an important year for you! I will give you an introduction to 2nd grade and to our classroom. If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.

3 All About Me My Background
I grew up in Baxley and have lived here all my life. I attended Appling County Elementary School, Appling County High School, Brewton-Parker College and received by Masters in Education from Brenau University. My Experience I’ve been teaching for 16 years. I have also taught fourth and first grades and kindergarten. However, second grade is my favorite.

4 My Family My Husband My Children Son, Eric Daughter, Ashley Our Pets
Jesse My Children Son, Eric Daughter, Ashley Our Pets 3 dogs Colby, Ace, and Chase

5 Goals To give you the academic and social skills you need to progress to 3rd grade. To provide a supportive learning environment. To have fun while we learn. To help you make new friends and discover new interests.

6 Class Subjects The subjects we cover during second grade are:
Reading and writing Language Math Science Social Studies Music and Art Physical Education

7 Stone’s Class Schedule
7:45-8:00--Morning Work - Attendance 8:00-9:00--Reading 9:00-9:30---Language/Spelling 9:30-10:55– Math 10:55-11:25---Lunch 11:25-11:55---Recess 12:00-1:00—Science/ SS 1:00-2:00---Reading/Instructional Flex 2:00-2:50—P.E./Music 2:55—Parent Pickup 3:15---Buses

8 Class Rules Our classroom is a community. In our community,
we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Acting Responsibly Follow all adult directions Complete all assigned work Be prepared by having supplies and materials available daily Exercising Safety Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourselves Walk in the classroom and hallway Stay in your assigned seat or area Keep your chair’s leg on the floor at all times Showing Respect Listen when the teacher is speaking Raise hand for permission to speak Work quietly without disturbing others

9 Consequences for Breaking the Rules
1st offense = Verbal warning. Green Rope. 2nd offense = Clothespin moved to Yellow Rope -----Walk 2 laps around the track at recess 3rd offense = Clothespin moved to Orange Rope Walk 4 laps around the track at recess and behavior note sent home. 4th offense = Clothespin moved to Red Rope Phone call to parents/ discipline note sent home or sent immediately to Dr. Baxley’s (Principal’s) office. In addition I will be using Classdojo to track behavior in class. Reports will be sent home weekly.

10 Consequences Continued
The following violations will result in an immediate drop to the red rope: Fighting or deliberately causing harm to another student Deliberately damaging school property Behavior which stops the function of the classroom ***Corporal Punishment will be used as a last resort. Please remember that ALL CLOTHESPINS BEGIN EACH DAY ON THE BLUE ROPE….That way each student has the option of starting each day on a positive note.

11 Rewards Students who choose to follow the class rules will receive:
Verbal praise Stickers, rewards Positive notes to take home Additional Free time I anticipate good days ahead. Learning can be fun if we all abide by the rules!

12 Homework Folders All papers, notes, and forms will be sent home daily in your homework folder. A homework sheet will be placed in your homework folder each week. Please make sure you complete your homework each day and have your parents to sign the sheet in the space provided. I will check homework folders each morning. Graded papers will usually be sent home on Monday of each week. Students who fail to do their homework or neglect to get their homework sheet signed will move their clothespins. Unfinished homework will be completed at recess.

13 Attendance REGULAR and PROMPT attendance at school is crucial to your success. Instruction begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. If you are absent from school, please bring a written excuse for the absence within three days.

14 Tardiness School starts at 7:45 A.M.
If you aren’t in the classroom by the time the second bell rings (7:50), you will need to go to the office to attain a tardy slip. If you are tardy five times, the school will contact your parents.

15 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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