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Wenche Aas and Karl Espen Yttri (EMEP/CCC)

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Presentation on theme: "Wenche Aas and Karl Espen Yttri (EMEP/CCC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wenche Aas and Karl Espen Yttri (EMEP/CCC)
Summary of what has been done and some first preliminary results related to the last EMEP intensive field measurements Wenche Aas and Karl Espen Yttri (EMEP/CCC)

2 Outline The experience and lesson learnt from the intensive period Background and content of the two latter periods What has been measured by whom How (methodology and time resolution) First prelimenary results How to proceed

3 Experiences from the last EMEP Intensive periods in 2007 -2008
Lot of different data –no clear priority Problems with some non comparable data sets OC, TC or OM are sometimes corrected and sometimes not. Not always known which temperature programme is used. Different filters. Not known artefact for NO3, NH4 from filters (ex IT01) Sometimes PM1 > PM2.5 > PM1.0 ( mass or speciation) Non harmonised reporting Different format and units, not always specified the PM size, neither method Parallel reporting to EMEP/EUSAAR etc causing duplications and confusing Unclear on Intellectual property rights Nevertheless, a unique dataset for EMEP Especially for hourly resolution – need a publication on this (MSC-W/CEH/PSI..) What to do further with the speciation data is not decided

4 Improvement for last periods
Clear guidelines of which measurements are needed/wanted Harmonised measurement methods, especially needed for EC/OC –use reference Data reporting in harmonised format Improved information on Data ownership and IPR (Better spatial distribution of the more advanced measurements )

5 1) What to measure Mass closure (inorganic, crustal, EC/OC). Daily/weekly (EMEP) or hourly (EUCAARI) Inorganic gas concentrations (HNO3, NH3) Aerosol size distributions (EUCAARI/EUSAAR) Separation of organic aerosol into primary vs. secondary and biogenic vs. anthropogenic components (e.g. levoglucosane, 14C); Attempts to quantify aerosol water (EUCAARI) Attempts to quantify the OC/OM ratio (EUCAARI) Vertical profiles (coordinate with Earlinet)

6 High resolution measurements
EUCAARI: 11 AMS + 4 MARGA/GRAEGOR/SJAC To be presented by Eiko on wednesday

7 Weekly speciation measurements

8 2) Harmonised measurement method
Filter from same batch (sendt from NILU) Tandem filter approach (QBQ) EC/OC with EUSAAR -2 Levoglucosan at NILU in addition FMI,Ispra, FR.. do levo analysis Intercalibration beeing conducted 14C at Bern (some at Lund) Mineral dust –some guidelines given

9 3) Data reporting Weekly speciation Hourly data (AMS)
2008 data by normal EMEP data reporting before 31 July2009 (new deadline) 2009 data with simplified excel format Except from DE44, only EC/OC yet been reported Hourly data (AMS) Converting routines beetween AMS output to NASA AMES are beeing established (EUCAARI) Eiko Nemitz received data (Wednesday)

10 4) Data ownership


12 Results, EC/OC and Levoglucosan
OCp = particulate OC. Front – backup filter, conservative OC estimate OC wood from levoglucosan analysis Sites where we presently has data for both levoglucosan (analysed at NILU) and EC/OC increasing concentrations along a Southern and Eastern transect.

13 Preliminary remarks: These preliminary results show that there is a substantial variation in the concentration of OCp amongst the various sites, ranging over one order of magnitude during the winter period. The spatial variation corresponds to that reported for the EMEP EC/OC campaign conducted in 2002 and Although associated with a level of uncertainty the results indicate that wood burning emissions are a substantial contributor to OCP levels at European rural background sites in fall and in particular in winter.

14 Further process Weekly speciation
Filters sent to Bern for 14C analysis Apportion analysis of the organic matter (latin hypercube) EC from biomass and fossil fuel OC from biomass, fossil fuel, biogenics SOA from anthropogenic and bigenic precursors QA: lab intercalibration for non central labs Reporting and publication (EMEP special issue) Hourly Reporting format soon to be implemented EUCAARI group to publish results Latin Hypercube sampling it is possible to apportion the ambient carbonaceous aerosol into several different sources such as: elemental carbon from combustion of biomass (ECbb) and fossil fuel (ECff), organic carbon from combustion of biomass (OCbb) and fossil fuel (OCff), primary biogenics (OCpb), and secondary organic aerosols from anthropogenic and (ASOA) and biogenic (BSOA) precursors. (It should be noted that these are quantitative estimates). The current approach makes it possible to separate not only primary and secondary aerosols, but also to separate between natural and anthropogenic sources, which is highly important in order to sort out abatement strategies for reducing man-made emissions of the carbonaceous aerosol.

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