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ST112: Science, Technology and Society

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Presentation on theme: "ST112: Science, Technology and Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 ST112: Science, Technology and Society

2 Syllabus Introductions Top news stories What is STS?

3 Top news stories #1 Bombing of Hiroshima

4 Top news stories #2 Lunar Landing

5 Top news stories #4 Wright Brothers’ airplane

Radio signal spans Atlantic 1901 Wrights fly first airplane #4 Einstein conceives relativity 1905 U.S. radio broadcasts begin 1909 Plastic revolutionizes products 1909 “Unsinkable” Titanic sinks 1912 Ford creates assembly line 1913 Panama Canal opens 1914 World War I begins 1914 U.S. enters World War I 1917 Lindbergh flies Atlantic alone 1927 Penicillin discovered 1928 Official U.S. debut of TV 1939 U.S. drops atomic bomb #1 ENIAC accelerates computing 1946 Scientists invent transistor 1948 Birth control pill OK'd by FDA 1960 Shepard first American in space 1961 'Silent Spring' warns of eco-danger 1962 Men first walk on the moon #2 New polio vaccine works 1953 DNA's structure discovered 1953 First computer chip patented 1959 Deadly AIDS disease identified 1981 Shuttle Challenger explodes 1986 World Wide Web invented 1989

7 How about in your lifetime?

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