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MapMaker And District Names

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1 MapMaker And District Names
18th Annual GeoElections Conference MapMaker And District Names GeoElections offers a module, MapMaker, which provides the means to aggregate all of the blocks coded with like values for Congressional, Senate, House, County Commission, School Board, precincts, etc into maps representing these geopolitical boundaries. At the same time MapMaker can integrate tabular data with these boundaries. The user always has the ability to expand upon the tabular attributes of these areas with demographics such as voters residing within these areas, Census data, or polling places as deemed essential to the construct of the map. 2018 GeoElections Annual Conference

2 MapMaker And District Names
18th Annual GeoElections Conference MapMaker And District Names Cartography is the amalgam of art, science and technology • Aesthetics, design, and visual expression in cartography merge the art, science and technology • Help to produce and analyze maps to enable communication of ideas • Basic principals of map making - Has a clear motive or goal - Is directed towards an audience - Uses appropriate design elements to clearly convey its message While you may not think of yourselves as cartographers, you are performing the functions of a cartographer as you create a map for distribution on paper, pdfs or published to the web. MapMaker will help you using the technology offered in GeoElections to make better maps more easily. 2018 GeoElections Annual Conference

3 MapMaker And District Names
18th Annual GeoElections Conference MapMaker And District Names Controls for establishing attributes for MapMaker regions. • The primary labels are derived from the encoding in your VTDBLK • The Precinct names come from GeoElections>Parameters>Precinct Names • The District names come from GeoElections> Parameters>District Through the GeoElections interface you have the ability to add textual attributes useful in creating labels with an expanded explanation over the simple encoding used in the VTDBLK for encoding. 2018 GeoElections Annual Conference

4 MapMaker And District Names
18th Annual GeoElections Conference MapMaker And District Names Building the list of precinct names can be completed through the GeoElections – [Precinct Names] dialog box or by importing a list of precincts including the names associated with each precinct. Using the Import function presents the user with GeoElections – [Import Precinct Names] dialog box. In our example the File Type containing the precinct list is a MapInfo Tab. This information can be obtained from your voter registration system using the GeoElections>Utilities>Get Polling function. If your VR does not support this function, extract the data by other means. With the import complete, we can run MapMaker and specify Include Names using the check box provided. 2018 GeoElections Annual Conference

5 MapMaker And District Names
18th Annual GeoElections Conference MapMaker And District Names Building the list of District names can be completed through the GeoElections – [District Names] dialog box or by importing a list of Districts including the names associated with each District. Once again, using the Import function presents the user with GeoElections – [Import Precinct Names] dialog box. In our example the File Type containing the precinct list is a MapInfo Tab. With the import complete, we can run MapMaker and specify Include Names using the check box provided. 2018 GeoElections Annual Conference

6 MapMaker And District Names
18th Annual GeoElections Conference MapMaker And District Names The End Any Questions? 2018 GeoElections Annual Conference

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