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Questions Concerning the PBCC-22 Proposal for High Rate b

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1 Questions Concerning the PBCC-22 Proposal for High Rate 802.11b
March 2001 doc.: IEEE /162 March 2001 Questions Concerning the PBCC-22 Proposal for High Rate b Christopher Hansen Broadcom Christopher Hansen, Broadcom Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

2 Outline Introduction What does the cover code do?
March 2001 doc.: IEEE /162 March 2001 Outline Introduction What does the cover code do? Simulation of the 22 Mbps system with and without the cover code Is the PBCC-22 code the best choice? Compare with published codes Conclusions Christopher Hansen, Broadcom Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

3 What does the cover code do?
March 2001 What does the cover code do? Simulated System Random Bits 256 State Encoder and Mapper 2 Channel Model Fractionally Spaced Equalizer Cover Code AWGN Measure Bit Errors Viterbi Decoder Remove Cover Code Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

4 What does the cover code do?
March 2001 What does the cover code do? Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

5 What does the cover code do?
March 2001 What does the cover code do? Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

6 What does the cover code do?
March 2001 What does the cover code do? Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

7 Is the PBCC-22 Code the best choice?
March 2001 Is the PBCC-22 Code the best choice? PBCC-22 Code 256 State, Rate 2/3, 8-PSK constellation Dfree^2/Es = 8.6 dB Ungerboeck Code IEEE Communications Magazine, Feb. 1987 Dfree^2/Es = 8.75 dB Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

8 Is the PBCC-22 Code the best choice?
March 2001 Is the PBCC-22 Code the best choice? Higher Dfree will yield lower bit and frame error rates for a given SNR Many published trellis codes available Significant coding gain is possible with low levels of complexity For Example: Ungerboeck 64 state code with Dfree^2/Es = 8.01 dB Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

9 March 2001 Conclusions PBCC-22 cover code does not appear to provide any performance gain PBCC-22 trellis code is not necessarily the best for high rate b Given the proposal of a new code for high rate b, the PBCC-22 authors should present more information to justify their design choice. Christopher Hansen, Broadcom

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