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Systemized Selling of Products and Services

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Presentation on theme: "Systemized Selling of Products and Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Systemized Selling of Products and Services
Theme, Market, Benefits, Value Proposition

2 Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance Due to Body Discomfort

3 Market 1 in 5 people over the age of 18 experience joint discomfort
More than 5,000,000 people, annually, are sidelined due to sports related and recreational activities More than 3,000,000 orthopedic surgeries each year Anyone who wants to promote healthy inflammation levels

4 Benefits Supports Body’s Repair System for Natural Healing
Promotes Optimal Cell Health Supports a Healthy Immune System Reduces Bruising Promotes Healthy Inflammation Levels

5 Value Proposition UnFranchise Cost – $44.50 Suggested Retail - $61.50
Return on Cost of Goods -38% BV- 34 / BV% - 76 30 Servings (3 caps & $2.05 per serving) Non Detectable GMO Bromelain, White Willow, Protease

6 Category - Health & Nutrition
INFOGRAPHIC Located on UFMS Downloads Support Materials Category - Health & Nutrition

7 Code: 13986 UC: $44.50 SR: $61.50 BV: 34

8 The Spice of Life Wellness and Longevity

9 Market Anyone 18 and Over Eats a poor diet
Physical interaction with children and adults daily Those that live and work in areas of environmental pollution Travels frequently (Domestic and Internationally)

10 Benefits Promotes a Strong Immune System Supports Liver Detoxification
Promotes Normal Cell Regeneration Powerful Anti-oxidant Helps Maintain Neurologic Health as We Age

11 Value Proposition UnFranchise Cost-$34.50 Suggested Retail - $47.00
Return on Cost of Goods - 37% BV-25 / BV% -72% 30 Servings (daily cost $1.59) 7-8 times more Bioavailable than Turmeric BCM-95, Broccoli Seed Extract, Selenium Benefits usually occur within 4-6 weeks

12 Category - Health & Nutrition
INFOGRAPHIC Located on UFMS Downloads Support Materials Category - Health & Nutrition

13 Code: 13145 UC: $34.50 SR: $47.00 BV: 25

14 Longevity, Vitality, Vision and Performance

15 Market 49% of the population have high blood pressure, high LDLs, or smoke 31% of the American Male Adults have low levels of HDLs - (Good Cholesterol) Endurance Athletes Men and Women Over the Age of 40

16 Benefits Promotes Cardiovascular Health Promotes Healthy Vision
Promotes Muscular Endurance & Performance Powerful Anti-Aging Antioxidant Promotes Healthy Skin (by improving skin moisture and help maintaining skin elasticity)

17 Value Proposition UnFranchise Cost – $31.95 Suggested Retail - $43.95
Return on Cost of Goods -38% BV / BV% - 74 30 Servings – 6 mg ($1.47 per serving) Orac Value (28,222) to Super Foods Non Detectable GMO Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples in vitro.( artificial environment)

18 Category - Health & Nutrition
INFOGRAPHIC Located on UFMS Downloads Support Materials Category - Health & Nutrition

19 Category - Health & Nutrition
INFOGRAPHIC Located on UFMS Downloads Support Materials Category - Health & Nutrition

20 Code: 14500 UC: $31.95 SR: $43.95 BV: 23.5

21 Weight Loss, Excess Fat, and the Battle of the Bulge
”Burn Fat, Preserve Lean Muscle Mass”

22 Market 2.1 billion people in the world are overweight
31% of Americans are overweight People eating poor diets People with high BMI (Body Mass Index) People looking to reduce Body Fat

23 Benefits Reduces Excess Sugar Converting to Fat Reduces Sugar Cravings
Promotes Fat Burning Helps Preserve Lean Muscle Mass Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Maintain Normal Serotonin Levels.

24 Value Proposition UnFranchise Cost – $28.95 Suggested Retail - $39.95
Retail Profit - $11.00 Return on Cost of Goods -38% BV- 19 / BV% - 65 30 Servings / 90 Servings - 3 times a day - ($1.31 per day) Garcinia Cambogia (HCA) and Green Coffee (Svetol Ⓡ) Decaffeinated

25 Category - Health & Nutrition
INFOGRAPHIC Located on UFMS Downloads Support Materials Category - Health & Nutrition

26 Code: 6429 UC: $28.95 SR: $39.95 BV: 19

27 Systemized Selling of Products and Services
Theme, Market, Benefits, Value Proposition

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