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Cynnal Cymru’s Draft Economic Perspective of Wales

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Presentation on theme: "Cynnal Cymru’s Draft Economic Perspective of Wales"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cynnal Cymru’s Draft Economic Perspective of Wales
Jim Poole

2 Call to Action – Summary
Env Ec SD in Wales Soc

3 SD in Wales May 2007 Call to Action – Culmination WAG View
Cynnal Cymru View SD in Wales May 2007

4 Sustainable Development
Ec Res Cynnal Cymru View Env Soc

5 Ec Res Env Soc

6 Ec Res The World Env Soc

7 WAG View Wales: A Vibrant Economy

8 WAVE is weak in that it: Has no defined planning horizon
Ignores the global context Relies on “strengths” which have not been evaluated critically Does not link to other policy agendas Underplays the role of the public sector

9 WAVE Res SD Ec Soc Env “Economist World” The World

10 WAVE & Climate Change Welsh Assembly Government Objective
WAVE Contribution Supporting Evidence Tackling the causes of climate change Fair Business & Environment strand, deals with some causes of CO2 emissions Dealing with the outcomes of climate change Neutral Strategic framework does not deal with this explicitly Realising the opportunities presented by climate change (e.g. renewable energy) [No evidence quoted]

11 Two Models of a Sustainable Economy:
WAVE: “Globally Competitive” Region or “Beggar my Neighbour” Cynnal Cymru: “Exemplar Localised” Region

12 Competitive Region (1):
Competes with neighbouring regions and other countries for resources Seeks to externalise social and environmental costs and disbenefits “Agglomerates” benefits in south east Wales around Cardiff and Newport Requires investment in new roads, air services

13 Competitive Region (2):
Requires flexible and mobile labour – with personal and social impacts Values increases in overall wealth over improvements in welfare Supports high-growth firms rather than small stable businesses

14 Two Models of a Sustainable Economy:
WAVE: “Globally Competitive” Region or “Beggar my Neighbour” Cynnal Cymru: “Exemplar Localised” Region

15 Exemplar Localised Economy (1):
Does not rely on markets to value irreplaceable resources Is mainly local and community-led in production, consumption, Has high level of public involvement in management of resources

16 Exemplar Localised Economy (2):
Actively plans and regulates for a low-carbon future Values welfare more than increases in overall wealth Measures welfare improvements in absolute, not relative terms

17 Two Models of a Sustainable Economy:
Radically different pictures of a Future Wales Where’s the debate? Debate must be raised above short-term party politics Cynnal Cymru could play a role

18 “Sustainability Fuel Tank”
Globally Competitive Exemplar Localised E F

19 Within the framework of WAVE, Cynnal Cymru recommends:
Using public sector procurement as a driver Supporting local enterprises Supporting sustainable businesses Promoting the Environmental Goods and Services sector Promoting a low-carbon economy Sustainable management of natural resources An integrated approach to rural development


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