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The Proper Approach To Bible Study

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Presentation on theme: "The Proper Approach To Bible Study"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Proper Approach To Bible Study

2 Introduction 2 Tim. 2:15 1 Tim. 4:13 2 Pet. 1:5

3 With Reverence 2 Tim. 3:16 “Inspired of God” 2 Pet. 1:21
We must study God’s Word with care, reverence and godly fear

4 Deliberately—With Meditation
The Proper Approach To BIble Study Deliberately—With Meditation Ps. 1:2 We must not have the attitude of “let’s get this over with” We must free our minds from other things that Bible study will be profitable Remove distractions Bible, Bible Study

5 As One Who Needs Guidance
We must rid self of a “know it all attitude”—a self righteous attitude Jer. 10:23 Rev. 3:17

6 As A Lover Of Truth Jn. 17:17 We must love the Truth if hope to learn the Truth 2 Th. 2:10-11

7 As A Seeker Of Truth Mt. 7:7 We must give our best in our study of God’s Word Are we looking for Truth or just trying to prove ourselves right Acts 17:11

8 With A Desire To Obey “A common error of men is to try to change the Scriptures to fit themselves rather than change themselves to fit the Scriptures” Leroy Brownlow Js. 1:22

9 Conclusion You can learn the Will of God by studying His Word Jn. 7:17
Will you also obey His Word? Mt. 7:21

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