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RWS 100 // 10-16-17 // Testa Peer Workshop #1.

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Presentation on theme: "RWS 100 // 10-16-17 // Testa Peer Workshop #1."— Presentation transcript:

1 RWS 100 // // Testa Peer Workshop #1


3 Announcement Today – short rough draft with at least intro + 2 body paragraphs Wednesday 10/18 and Friday 10/20 – no class Monday 10/23 – full rough draft for workshop 2 Tuesday 10/24 – assignment 2 due by 11:59PM* * = if you attend both workshops

4 Questions about Assignment 2

5 Conferencing Please sign up if you haven’t already.
It’s optional but helpful. Sign up. Soon.

6 Blackboard Please submit your short rough draft to Blackboard if you haven’t done so already.

7 The Workshop Spend 10 minutes reading/marking/answering the questions.
Spend 4 minutes talking about each other’s paper. Lather, rinse, and repeat 3 times.

8 No Class Wed/Fri No class on Wednesday/Friday.
Sign up for optional conferencing. Full rough draft due next Monday, 10/23. Final draft due Tuesday 10/24 if you attend both workshops.

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