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Chapter 2 – Linear Filters

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1 Chapter 2 – Linear Filters
Setting: Filter (Input) (Output) NOTE: Some slides have blank sections. They are based on a teaching style in which the corresponding blank (derivations, theorem proofs, examples, …) are worked out in class on the board or overhead projector.

2 Linear Filter Most time series we will consider can be viewed as output from a linear filter

3 Notes: 1. - is called the impulse response function 2. - frequency response function 3. Most filters we study are causal (realizable), i.e. the present output depends on present and past inputs (not the future)

4 Question: What do we mean by
Mean Square Convergence Random Variables Linear Filter Notation

5 Note: We denote the process X t by
Theorem 2.1: Suppose Note: We denote the process X t by Proof: Appendix 2.A

6 Proof: Appendix 2.A

7 General Linear Process (GLP)
- a causal linear filter with white noise input

8 GLP in backward shift (operator) notation
Algebraic counterpart

9 Theorem 2.3 For sum to make sense


11 Theorem 2.2 for the case of a GLP
spectrum of the output squared modulus of frequency response function spectrum of the input Spectral Density of GLP

12 Wold Decomposition Theorem
- emphasizes the central role that GLP’s play in the study of (weakly) stationary processes Let { X t ; t = 0,  1, 2, … } be a (weakly) stationary time series with zero mean. Then X t can be written as the sum of two processes: X t = U t + V t where (i) U t is a GLP with y 0 = 1 (nondeterministic component) (ii) V t is completely determined by a linear function of its past values (deterministic component)

13 Filter Recall: We have looked at linear filters Filter (Output)
(Input) We have looked at linear filters

14 Filtering Applications
Will use Theorem 2.2 to design filters: where of the output and input, respectively

15 Question: What will be the effect of differencing the data?
Realization Question: What will be the effect of differencing the data? Differenced Data

16 Types of Filters Low-pass filters: High-pass filters:
Filters are sometimes used to “filter out” certain frequencies from a set of data: Types of Filters Low-pass filters: - “pass” low frequency behavior and “filter out” higher frequency behavior High-pass filters: - “pass” high frequency behavior and “filter out” lower frequency behavior

17 Types of Filters - continued
Band-pass filters: - “pass” frequencies in a certain “frequency band” Band-stop (notch) filters: - “pass” frequencies except those in a certain “frequency band”

18 Example: - Suppose the goal of the filtering is to keep frequencies greater than .3 and remove frequencies less than .3. (high pass filter) - Theorem 2.2 says that ideally we would design our filter so that 1 - .5 -

19 Squared Frequency Response Functions
Ideal Low-Pass Filter Ideal Band-Pass Filter

20 Filter Examples: 1. Difference

21 Notes: ● A first difference is a “high pass” filter
● It allows some low frequency behavior to leak through

22 Realization Differenced Data

23 2. Sum

24 Recall - Figure 1.21 Apply sum filter

25 2. Sum data(fig1.21) x=fig1.21 n=length(x) y=rep(0,n) for (i in 2:n) {
y[i-1]=x[i]+x[i-1] } plotts.wge(y)

26 3. Moving Average Filters
I will consider three:

27 Frequency Response Functions
2-point moving average 3-point moving average 7-point moving average

28 Notes: ● these are low pass filters (smoothers)
● as window-length increases, the “cutoff” frequency becomes smaller

29 Realization 2-point moving average 3-point moving average 7-point moving average

30 Butterworth Filters A low-pass Butterworth filter has frequency response function with the property where fc is the cut-off frequency N is the order of the Butterworth filter


32 Notes on the Butterworth Filter:
● for very large values of N, ● although the impulse response function associated with H( f ) is of infinite order, the impulse response function of an Nth order Butterworth filter can be well approximated by a ratio of two Nth order polynomials resulting in the recursive filter


34 N=1 N=4

35 tswge demo Recall - Figure 1.21 To apply a Butterworth filter use
butterworth.wge=function(x,order=k,type,cutoff,plot=TRUE) data(fig1.21a) butterworth.wge(fig1.21a,order=4,type='low',cutoff=.2) butterworth.wge(fig1.21a,order=4,type='low',cutoff=.32) butterworth.wge(fig1.21a,order=4,type='high',cutoff=.2) butterworth.wge(fig1.21a,order=4,type='high',cutoff=.05)

36 Filtered KK Eats (band stop)
King Kong Eats Grass Filtered KK Eats (band stop) Low-Pass Filtered Data High-Pass Filtered Data

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