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John Thomas Ben Building a Nation.

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1 John Thomas Ben Building a Nation

2 Articles of Confederation (1781)
Did you know: the United States has had TWO constitutions? What were colonists rebelling against? A centralized government Under the Articles, states have almost all the power; Congress deals with foreign matters like treaties with other countries and settles disputes between states The central government can’t levy taxes and can’t regulate commerce Wait, there were no federal courts??! There was no executive branch (president) either?!! FAIL The FIRST constitution!

3 Failures of Articles of Confederation
A central government that was not strong enough No central tax collection or regulation of commerce No national court system No executive branch (only Congress)

4 “But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go. Is it not strange, though true, to say that virtue itself has need of limits? To prevent this abuse, it is necessary from the very nature of things that power should be a check to power.” ~Montesquieu

5 Checks and Balances One branch of the government limits another branch
Do we see this in our government?


7 Why do we have the Bill of Rights?
Guarantees personal freedoms and rights Creates clear limitations on government power All unaddressed powers go to the states or the people


9 Enlightenment philosopher


11 Instructions for INDEPENDENT WORK
Pick at least 4 events from the American Revolution that you would have liked to witness Draw a timeline of these events including the DATE of the event and a VISUAL of the event Work should be silent and by yourself You may use your completed worksheet, your book, your teachers and the internet for information

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