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pretend to be affected by a feeling, state, or injury.

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Presentation on theme: "pretend to be affected by a feeling, state, or injury."— Presentation transcript:

1 pretend to be affected by a feeling, state, or injury.
Feign Feyn Verb Other forms of the word: Nouns = feigner, Adverb = feigningly, unfeigningly Adjective unfeigning pretend to be affected by a feeling, state, or injury. Bob feigned that he was ill in order to avoid working” A Good Way to Remember: Fred was good at faking, so he feigned his death. Everyone assumed he was dead, but learned it was fake.

2 INdolence is INactivity
Indolence in-do-luhns noun Other forms of the word: Nouns = Adverb = indolently Adjective = indolent – laziness; habit of laziness, especially when avoiding work. Everyone in the group contributed to the project, but Bob’s indolent behavior is what lowered their grade. Such laziness was unacceptable. A Good Way to Remember: INdolence is INactivity

3 Malicious Mary always maligned about her teacher behind her back.
MALIGN muh - Line verb Other forms of the word: Nouns maligner, Adverb = malignly Adjective = unmaligned, Malign Speak unfavorably about Bob had been maligned throughout the country after the public found out about his crime. A Good Way to Remember: Malicious Mary always maligned about her teacher behind her back.

4 I have strong abhorrence towards a boring person.
Abhorrence ab-hor-ens noun Other forms of the word: Nouns –abhorrer Adjective abhorred, abhorrent Verb: Abhor Strong feelings of dislike; Hate coupled with disgust No one was fond of bob. This abhorrence towards him is what led him to hate also. A Good Way to Remember: I have strong abhorrence towards a boring person.

5 quickly fading or disappearing; tending to vanish like vapor
Evanescent eh-vah-neh-sint Adjective Other forms of the word: Nouns = evanescence Adverb = evanescently, nonevanescently, unevanescently quickly fading or disappearing; tending to vanish like vapor The popularity of the word “Yolo” could be argued to be evanescent, cause not many refer to the word any longer. A Good Way to Remember: The scent was evanescent after I used febreeze

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