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Module Two SRC Structure & Functions
. Handouts: (Preferred in a loose leaf folder with tabs:
Section 105 of the Rehab Act; Sections & of the implementing Regulations; Your SRC’s most recent Annual Report; Your State’s most recent 4.2(c) State Plan Attachment; Your Consumer Satisfaction Survey Your SRC By Laws’; Your SRC Handbook if you have one; Copy of the 36th IRI “SRC/VR Partnership”. . ;
The State Rehabilitation Council New Member Orientation
Check for needed accommodations if not done previously. Do they know every state has a SRC mandated under the Rehab Act. Section 105? VR/SRC Partnership- Working Together Works
State Rehabilitation Council- Section 105 of Title 1
Handouts: Full text of “Section 105 of the Rehabilitation Act” & Sections & of RSA’s implementing Regulations” & Sections & of the RSA Implementing Regulations
VR must have a SRC to be eligible for federal funds
Members are appointed by the Governor after recommendations from organizations representing a broad range of individuals with disabilities & organizations interested in individuals with disabilities. Minority representation must be considered.
Mandated Members Must have minimum of 15 members representing: SILC Representative Parent Training & Info. Center Representative Client Assistance Program Representative VR Counselor (ex-officio if VR staff) Community Rehab Program Representative State agency Special Ed Representative Native American Project Representative (if any) State Workforce Development Board Rep Ask trainees to identify who they represent of the mandated members on this slide and the next slide. If your agency has members in addition to those mandated, add them to the slide.
And 4 Business, Industry, & Labor Reps.
Disability Advocacy Groups- Cross section of physical, sensory, cognitive, & mental (Blind Agency- Blind advocacy groups(s).) Reps of individuals who cannot rep self. Current or former VR Applicants or Recipients VR Director (Ex-Officio) ** Majority- Persons w/Disabilities- not employed by VR (Blind Agency- Majority persons who are Blind)
Terms 3-Year Terms Maximum 2 Consecutive Full Terms
CAP & 121 Projects- No Limit Discuss your SRC’s policy on how long a member must “sit off” after their appointed 2-terms expire in order to be reappointed.
Forums or hearings as appropriate
Meetings At least 4 per year Forums or hearings as appropriate Publicly announced Open to general public Accessible. Chair selected by Council from the membership. How are they advertised? Former members can attend- not vote- open to public. (but need notification of accommodation needs) Only members can be reimbursed for travel and accommodations.
Conflict of Interest Members cannot vote if- Direct financial benefit
Gives appearance of conflict In Plain English- The SRC staff must avoid conflicts of interest by not carrying out duties assigned by the DSU or other state agency that would create a conflict.
Member Compensation Performing SRC duties Child care
Reasonable & Necessary Expenses of---: Attending SRC meetings Performing SRC duties Child care Personal assistance services Meeting accommodations Forfeited wages (Out of state travel requires RSA “Prior Approval”) Discuss your state’s procedures for gaining approval for these and procedure for billing.
Prepare an Annual Resource Plan
as necessary & sufficient to carry out the functions of the Council- Budget VR staff & other personnel. Disagreements unable to be resolved between SRC & VR= Governor resolution. Plain English Summary- The SRC is required to do a Resource Plan, which lists resources necessary for its operation such as staff and other personnel. It should rely on current resources. Disagreements on required resources must be resolved by the Governor. The Council must, in accordance with state law, supervise SRC staff and personnel. (This does not include merit system staff)
Mandated Functions … in partnership with VR
Stress that the SRC works in PARTNERSHIP with VR. In the 1992 Act the SRAC was established. In the 1998 Act the “A” (advisory ) was removed and the partnership strengthened. May want to add a slide here of your agency’s mission.
Review, analyze, & advise regarding responsibilities under the Act, particularly related to-
Eligibility & Order of Selection Extent, Scope, & Effectiveness of Services Functions affecting individual achievement of employment outcomes Applications, reports, & evaluations.
Develop, agree to, & review state
goals & priorities. Evaluate effectiveness of VR program & submit progress reports to the Commissioner.
. Advise & assist in the preparation of-
the State Plan portion of the Unified State Plan & Amendments. the applications, reports, needs assessments, & evaluations. ) Plain English Summary- The SRC has a large role in the VR portion of the state plan creation, CSNA and other evaluation duties of the DSU.
Participate in Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA) every 3-years.
Must include- Most significant disabilities Minorities Unserved & underserved Served through Workforce Investment System Students & Youths with Disabilities, including Pre-Employment Transition Services Community Rehab Centers Discuss where your state is in the 3-year cycle, and how the SRC partners in the CSNA.
Review & analyze the effectiveness of AND the consumer satisfaction with-
VR services VR services provided by other state agencies & other public & private entities Employment outcomes achieved by eligible individuals (including availability of health & other employment benefits) Plain English Summary- As much as the SRC can -they review and analyze how well the DSU is doing and the satisfaction level of VR customers regarding to the DSU’s functions. This is usually done with a customer satisfaction survey. SRCs have much latitude in how they complete their customer satisfaction surveys. Discuss how your state conducts the Consumer Satisfaction Survey and how it uses the results. Provide Handout of your SRC’s Survey.
“Effectiveness of” means- “Consumer Satisfaction with” means-
The extent to which a program achieves its planned outcomes. “Consumer Satisfaction with” means- The extent to which a program’s customers feel positive about their experience with the program. Sometimes only “satisfaction is considered in the consumer satisfaction survey. Note that it must include consideration of “effectiveness” also. Handout- Copy of your SRC’s Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
Prepare Annual Report on VR Program Status-
Submit to the Governor & Commissioner. Make available to the public. Deadline 90 days after the end of the FFY Plain English Summary- By December 31st of each year SRCs send an Annual Report to the Secretary of DOE and the Governor. [in practice this involves sending the annual report to your RSA State Liaison]. It’s a status report of VR services. This report has to be made public. Handout- Copy of your SRC’s most recent Annual Report.
Coordinate with other councils. (to avoid duplication & enhance
Coordinate with other councils (to avoid duplication & enhance numbers served.) SILC & CILS IDEA Advisory Panel DD Council MH Planning Council State Workforce Development Board Assistive Technology Act Programs Add any other(s) you have participating on your SRC. Plain English Summary- The SRC is expected to have a partnership with each of these organizations. Find out who they are in your state. SILC= Statewide Independent Living Council CILS= Centers for Independent Living IDEA= Individuals with Disabilities Education Agency MH= Mental Health
Perform Other Functions as-
The SRC determines to be appropriate & consistent with the purpose of Title I & Are comparable to other SRC mandated functions Plain English Summary- The SRC has the opportunity to determine other activities that would further their involvement and opportunity for partnership and/or input with regard to the VR system in their state. Give example of other function(s) your SRC performs or has performed.
Agency Mandates re SRC in Title 1
Jointly develop, agree to & review annually VR agency goals & priorities. Consult regularly re development, implementation, & revision of policies & procedures pertaining to VR services. Include summary of SRC input in State Plan- Attachment 4.2(c). Jointly conduct statewide needs assessment every 3 years Review & comment on CSPD. Assist in identification of qualified impartial hearing officers. In addition to Section 105, the agency has mandated functions in partnership with the SRC sprinkled throughout Title I- summarized in this slide & the next CSPD Plain English Summary- The VR Portion of the State Plan must include a section on the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) that describes actions by the State agency to ensure a sufficient number of qualified VR counselors; this section must also contain an assurance that the SRC had an opportunity to comment on the CSPD.
Agency Mandate re SRC (con.)
Transmit copies of following to SRC: All plans, reports, & other information required to be submitted to RSA. All policies & information on practices & procedures provided to or used by rehab personnel in carrying out VR program. Due process hearing decisions transmitted to SRC in a manner to protect individual confidentiality
How can the SRC be of the most assistance to the VR Director?
Environmental scanning & feedback Broad advocacy for the VR program Education of partners, consumers, & legislators (if permitted) Provide open & respectful input Participate in public meetings & forums. If possible, have your VR Director present this slide- replace wording per his/her suggestions.
The SRC Needs- An annual plan with targeted goals, action steps, timelines, & persons responsible to accomplish their mandated functions. Member commitment to the time & work necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.
WIOA Mandates the SRC/VR Partnership and voice throughout
Resources Training package developed by Pat Tomlinson
Resources Training package developed by Pat Tomlinson. Questions can be directed to her at “Plain English Summary” footnotes developed by Graham Sisson
36th IRI: The State Rehabilitation Council- Vocational Rehabilitation Partnership
History & Law SRC Basics SRC Business Practices Implementation of Responsibilities SRC Resources Appendices with examples. This document has not been updated since the latest WIOA. However, there were only minor changes in the SRC composition and functions, making this still very useful to provide to new members. It can be Googled and downloaded.
RSA eTraining Series (Not currently Available)
Series One: Overview & Philosophy History of VR Overview of the Rehab Act VR Principles & Policies The Role of the SRC RSA has not updated this series per WIOA and accordingly not released the series for SRC use. If re-released, Series One is very useful for new member orientation. Series Two through Four are useful to provide continuing education to existing membership.
Series Two: State Plan The Statutory Basis of the State plan Purpose of the State Plan Development of the State Plan
Series Three: Operationalizing the State Plan
Assessment Development of the VR Goals Program Evaluation & Reporting SRC Infrastructure
Series 4: Performance Management in State Vocational Rehabilitation
Series 4: Performance Management in State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies Program evaluation Quality assurance & the SRC-VR partnership
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