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2 OUTLINE Part A: Overview of performance information
Part B: Overview of Vote 36 Part C: Overview of Water Trading Entity budget

3 Planning legislative & regulatory environment
Constitution S 55 (2): NA oversight S 56: NA powers S 92 (2) & (3): Cabinet accountability S 195: Transparency S 215 & 216: Budget transparency Public Finance Management Act Department - S 27: Budget tabling - S 40 (1) & 3 (3): Annual report tabling Entities - S 52: Corporate plans - S 55 (1) & (3): Annual report tabling Additional legislation, policies & regulations Public Audit Act S 20: Report on performance information Money Bills Procedure & Related Matters Act S 5: Performance annual assessment Public Service Act S 7A (40): Oversight on performance, planning, budget and service delivery Policies & Regs - GWM & E - Evaluation policy - Treasury - Public Service

4 Planning, budgeting & monitoring
1. Pre-plan position 2. Strategy formulation 3. Strategy implementation 4. Strategy evaluation Annual report: review of previous annual performance plan Internal analysis Develop performance indicators and targets Monitor and evaluate performance External analysis Develop vision, mission, values Develop goals and objectives Develop a strategy map: Identify short term priorities and strategies Develop costed annual performance plan and supplementary programme business plans Approve and implement all the plans Strategic planning level Costed annual performance planning level

5 What informed planning process
Constitutional Mandate Legislative Millennium Development Goals International agreements Sustainable Development Goals (post 2015 agenda) Framework for Climate Change National Development Plan Government priorities Medium Term Strategic Framework (14 outcomes) DAFF Interdepartmental programmes The dti DRD & LR CoGTA DHS DEA EDD PGDS Implementation sphere IDPs National Assembly Oversight NCOP New Growth Path (NGP) Enabling departments Department of Public Service Administration Department of Performance Monitoring & Evaluation National Treasury

6 Alignment to NDP & MTSF Millennium Development Goals
National Development Plan (NDP): Vision 2030 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF): 5 years MDG 1B: Productive employment and decent work for all Chapter 3: Economy that will create jobs Outcome 4: Jobs MDG 7C: Halve proportion of population without sustainable access to safe drinking water & basic sanitation Chapter 4: Improving infrastructure Outcome 6: Economic infrastructure MDG 7B: Reduce biodiversity loss Chapter 5: Transition to low carbon economy Outcome 10: Environment Chapter 6: Inclusive & integrated rural economy Outcome 7: Rural development Chapter 13: Building a capable state Outcome 9: Local government

7 Strategy map Goals Scorecard perspectives Customer Operations Finance
Sustainable water & dignified sanitation for all Ensuring dignity, equity, socio-economic development and ecological sustainability by effectively and efficiently managing the nation’s water resources and sanitation services 1. An efficient, effective and development oriented sector leader 2. Equitable and sustainable water and sanitation services 3. Protection of water across the value chain Goals SO 1.3 Job opportunities SO 2.1 Water provision SO 2.3 Water allocation Customer SO 2.2 Sanitation provision SO 2.4: Water use efficiency SO 3.1: Water & sanitation strategies SO 3.2 Regulatory compliance SO 1.2: Internal controls (governance) Scorecard perspectives Operations SO 3.3 Ecosystem health SO 3.4 Information management SO 1.2: Internal controls (finance) Finance SO 1.1: Skills & competencies SO 1.2: Internal controls (people) People

8 Programmes per budget structure (ENE)
Limpopo Pongola-Mzimkhulu Berg-Olifants Doorn Olifants Orange Tsitsikamma-Mzimvubu Vaal 1. Administration 2. Water Planning & Information Management 3. Water Infrastructure Development 4. Water and Sanitation Services 5. Water Sector Regulation Ministry Departmental Management Internal Audit Financial Management International Water Support Programme Management Unit Integrated Planning Water Ecosystems Information Management WPIM Management & Support National Sanitation Services Water Sector Support WSS Management & Support Compliance Monitoring Economic & Social Regulation Enforcement Water Services Infrastructure Infrastructure Dev & Rehabilitation Operation of Water Resources Institutional Oversight Water Use Authorisation & Administration WS Services & Sanitation Regulation WSR Management & Support Corporate Services Fiscus funded WTE Incubated Proto-CMAs Revenue funded WTE Main Account: fiscus funded

9 Main account indicators

10 Programme 1: Administration
Purpose Provide policy leadership, advice and core support services, including finance, human resources, legal, ICT and management services, communication, and corporate planning

11 Programme 1: Administration
Strategic issues Skills development: reduce vacancy rate for engineers and scientists as well as develop skills through the graduate trainee programme Communication: engage in stakeholder management and community participation programmes, media relations, marketing and advertising campaigns Legislative and policy development: develop the National Water and Sanitation Bill International cooperation: establishing strategic partnerships with African and global countries Mine water management: implementing short-term and long-term solution projects as well as development of a proposal for environmental levy for the mining sector

12 Programme 2: Water Planning & Info Mgt
Purpose Ensure that the country’s water resources are protected, used, developed, conserved managed and controlled in a sustainable manner for the benefit of all people and the environment by developing a knowledge base and implementing effective policies, procedures and integrated planning strategies both for water resources and water services.

13 Programme 2: Water Planning & Info Mgt
Strategic issues Water Resources Planning: determine the needs for Water Resources & Infrastructure Development through Reconciliation strategies, Feasibility & All Town studies Water Information Management: through data capturing, monitoring, information systems and info analyses Protection of Water Resources: by doing Reserves Determination, Resources Classification & quality objectives Water Services and Local Water Management: by developing water Services Bulk Master Plans & Water Services Developmental Plans and Water Conservation and Water Demand Management (WCDM)

14 Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Mgt
Purpose To develop, rehabilitate and refurbish raw water resources and water services infrastructure to meet the socio-economic and environmental needs of South Africa

15 Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Mgt
Strategic issues Infrastructure development: implement new augmentation projects and betterment of existing dams Regional bulk infrastructure: develop bulk infrastructure, community infrastructure and refurbish infrastructure schemes Operations and maintenance: implement dam safety rehabilitation, rehabilitate conveyance projects and develop asset management plans

16 Programme 4: Water & Sanitation Services
Purpose Ensure the provision of sustainable water and dignified sanitation services including implementation support and advocacy

17 Programme 4: Water & Sanitation Services
Strategic issues Water sector support: financially supporting resource poor farmers and installing rainwater harvesting tanks for household productive use Sanitation services: replacing bucket sanitation in formal settlements and eradicate sanitation backlog in rural households

18 Programme 5: Water Sector Regulation
Purpose Ensure the development, implementation, monitoring and review of regulations across the water supply chain in accordance with the provisions of the National Water and the Water Services Acts

19 Programme 5: Water Sector Regulation
Strategic issues Institutional oversight: establishing institutions namely catchment management agencies, regional water utilities and infrastructure agency to enhance sustainability in water provision Water use authorisation: processing and finalising application for water use Economic and social regulation: developing the raw water pricing strategy and establishing economic regulation Compliance monitoring: conducting dam safety evaluations and monitoring compliance of water users (e.g. Mines, industry, agriculture) Water supply services and sanitation regulation: assessing water supply systems’ compliance with drinking water standards and wastewater treatment collector systems’ compliance with effluent standards Enforcement: investigation reported non compliant cases

20 Water Trading entity

21 Financial Management Purpose
Ensure the efficient management of daily financial operations (for the Water Trading Entity), processes and systems for the infrastructure and proto-CMA components

22 Financial Management Strategic issues
Debt recovery: Reducing the number of days for outstanding debt Infrastructure expenditure: increase expenditure on refurbishment and betterment

23 Proto-CMAs Purpose Provides for the protection, development, use and management of the resources at water management area level

24 Proto-CMAs Strategic issues
Validation and verification: validate and verify water users within respective catchment areas River eco-status monitoring: monitor eco-status of rivers to determine where interventions are required

25 OVERVIEW OF vote 36 (2015/16 – 2017/18)

26 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS Approved Budget Structure
Budget allocations per economic classifications Analysis: Budget allocations per programme Analysis: Budget allocations per economic classifications Analysis: Earmarked funds vz. Un-earmarked funds Economic classifications Summary of Earmarked funds Summary of Regional Allocations – Infrastructure Programmes

27 Budget Per Programme Programmes Adjusted Budget 2014/15 Original
2015/16 % of Increase/ Decrease R’ 000 Administration 60% Water Planning and Information Management 61% Water Infrastructure Development 326% Water and Sanitation Services 100% Regional Implementation & Support -100% Water Sector Regulations 42% International Water Cooperation 34 126 TOTAL 21%

28 MTEF Baseline Allocations Per Programme
Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000 Administration Water Planning and Information Management Water Infrastructure Development Water and Sanitation Services Water Sector Regulations TOTAL

29 Baseline Allocations per Economic Classification
Item description 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’000 R ‘000 Current Payments Compensation of employees Goods and Services Payments for Transfers and Subsidies Payments for capital assets TOTAL Item description

30 Analysis: Budget analysis per programme
Medium term allocation 2015/16 allocation Rand thousand 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Administration Water Planning and Information Management Water Infrastructure Development Water and Sanitation Services Water Sector Regulation Total

31 Analysis: Budget per economic classification
Medium term allocation 2015/16 allocation Rand thousand 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Compensatio n of employees Goods and services Transfer and subsidies Payment for capital assets Total

32 Analysis: Earmarked vs. Unearmarked funds
Medium term allocation 2015/16 allocation Rand thousand 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Unearmarked Earmarked Specifically & exclusively appropriated Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant Bucket Eradication Programme ( Indirect) Rural Household Infrastructure Grant: Indirect) 67 328 Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant (indirect) Conditional grants Water Services Operating Subsidy Grant (direct) Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant (direct) Rural Household Infrastructure Grant (direct) 48 182 TOTAL

33 Earmarked Funds Sub Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000
Regional Bulk: Indirect Grant Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant: Indirect Grant Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant: Direct Grant Rural Household Infrastructure Grant: Indirect Grant 67 328 - Rural Household Infrastructure Grant 48 182 Bucket Eradication Programme Water Services Operating Subsidy Grant TOTAL

34 Infrastructure Programmes
Regional Allocations Infrastructure Programmes

35 Regional Allocations: ACIP
Sub Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000 Eastern Cape 36,656 38,489 40,413 Free State 36,286 38,100 40,005 KwaZulu Natal 16,890 17,735 18,621 Gauteng 10,000 10,500 11,025 Mpumalanga 31,207 32,767 34,406 Limpopo 30,200 31,710 33,296 Northern Cape 30,189 31,698 33,283 North West 34,428 36,149 37,957 Western Cape 20,847 21,889 22,984 National Office R 7,055 8,166 8,575 TOTAL 253,758 267,205 280,565

36 Regional Allocations: RBIG SCH 6B
Sub Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000 Eastern Cape 954,000 1,262,386 1,176,132 Free State 482,654 488,000 441,589 KwaZulu Natal 1,063,000 897,153 924,063 Gauteng 347,000 432,000 384,200 Mpumalanga 284,000 335,447 278,547 Limpopo 953,667 1,029,457 997,204 Northern Cape 136,499 215,532 210,771 North West 327,600 483,403 584,991 Western Cape 174,234 226,000 216,275 TOTAL 4,722,564 5,369,378 5,214,372

37 RBIG 2015/16 quarterly cash flows
Region Allocation Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Eastern Cape Free state 94 927 79 455 Gauteng 40 390 91 340 KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga 70 49 096 92 784 Northern Cape 26 734 58 248 47 733 North West 35 563 Western Cape 51 942 48 436 35 655 40 101

38 Regional Allocations: MWIG SCH 5B
Sub Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000 Eastern Cape 441,843 280,980 445,184 Free State 15,000 5,265 8,500 KwaZulu Natal 803,068 418,744 740,455 Mpumalanga 263,740 178,012 218,578 Limpopo 130,540 138,438 172,432 Northern Cape 87,713 102,363 107,993 North West 62,028 62,000 80,000 TOTAL 1,803,932 1,185,802 1,733,142 Gauteng allocations under Schedule 6 B

39 MWIG SCH 5B quarterly cash flows
Region Allocation Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 R 000 Limpopo 32 635 65 270 Mpumalanga 89 796 76 622 97 322 North West 62 028 18 100 24 400 19 528 Free State 15 000 3 750 7 500 KwaZulu-Natal ` Eastern Cape Northern Cape 87 713 26 314 856 17 543 Total

40 Regional Allocations: MWIG SCH 6B
Sub Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000 Free State 62,875 120,903 240,518 KwaZulu Natal 33,175 181,371 248,596 Gauteng 27,000 38,000 76,000 Mpumalanga 182,963 294,515 466,138 Limpopo 398,034 708,289 788,321 North West 87,082 168,467 267,549 TOTAL 791,729 1,511,545 2,087,122 Eastern Cape, Northern Cape allocations under Schedule 5 B

41 MWIG SCH 6B quarterly cash flows
Region Allocation Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 R 000 Limpopo 6 000 95 034 Mpumalanga 11 600 75 000 67 000 29 363 North West 87 082 3 650 25 700 32 300 25 432 Free State 62 875 8 300 22 470 16 020 16 085 Gauteng 27 000 3 800 8 200 9 000 KwaZulu-Natal 33 775 13 510 20 265 Total 33 350

42 Regional Allocations: WSOS SCH 5B
Sub Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000 Eastern Cape 40,500 47,500 62,000 Free State 6,000 10,000 13,000 KwaZulu Natal 50,500 79,665 Mpumalanga 90,000 88,000 94,825 Limpopo 142,000 160,000 147,162 Northern Cape 65,000 45,701 42,825 North West 54,415 70,000 52,000 Western Cape 4,500 4,000 11,000 TOTAL 452,915 465,701 502,477

43 MWIG SCH 5B quarterly cash flows
Region Allocation Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 R 000 Limpopo 85 200 56 800 Mpumalanga 90 000 11 800 38 500 39 700 North West 54 415 19 500 34 915 Free State 6 000 2 375 2 125 1 500 KwaZulu-Natal 50 500 12 625 25 250 Eastern Cape 40 500 10 750 13 250 16 500 Northern Cape 65 000 23 500 21 800 19 700 Western Cape 4 500 1 000 2 200 1 300 Total 62 050

44 Regional Allocations: RHIG 5B
Sub Programmes 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R’ 000 Eastern Cape 4,000 27,000 28,245 Free State 4,500 5,000 5,500 KwaZulu-Natal 21,682 44,479 48,500 Mpumalanga Limpopo 9,000 20,000 23,500 Northern Cape North West 8,500 TOTAL 48,182 113,479 124,245

45 Regional Allocations: RHIG SCH 6B
Sub Programmes 2015/16 R’ 000 Eastern Cape 20,000 KwaZulu-Natal 25,328 Limpopo 12,000 Northern Cape 5,000 North West TOTAL 67,328

46 Sanitation quarterly cash flows
Grant Allocation Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 R 000 RHIG direct 48,182 - 24,091 RHIG indirect 67,328 25,248 16,832 BEP 975,399 292,617 Total 1,042,727 341,956 333,540 317,865

47 Readiness to Implement Infrastructure projects
All Implementing Agencies for the implementation of RBIG projects have been appointed Allocations letters sent to all Implementing agencies Budget loaded on the systems for payments to be authorized Checklist developed to verify supporting documentation to authorize invoice payments Business plans for ACIP and MWIG approved and implementation plan in place Monthly cash flows submitted and department working closely with IA’s to monitor implementation

48 Challenges experienced
Implementing agents: Late submission of invoices Submitting invoices without proper supporting documents Slow implementation of infrastructure programmes The political instability within the municipalities affected the appointments of services providers and also payments of service providers already appointed. Construction work stopped due to community unrest during the course of the financial year and had an impact on the performance of the projects. Late appointment of contractors by municipalities

49 Measures developed to implement more cost effectiveness
The department to pay invoices on work done Advances to be paid for ordered material Effective systems of verifying work done developed Improve on the project management Strengthen contract management unit Develop electronic document management systems (e.g. contract management, invoice tracking) Improve communication with the implementing agencies and contractors

50 Opportunities Supporting implementing agents in ensuring invoice accuracy before submitting for payments Development of infrastructure master plan in all provinces

51 OVERVIEW OF the trading entity MTEF BUDGET (2015/16 – 2017/18)

PROJECTS NAME Total Projects Cost Total Cost To date MTEF Total Over MTEF 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 R'000 ORWRDP (Ph 2A) - De Hoop Dam 24 000 18 900 - 42 900 ORWRDP-2B/G 10 000 ORWRDP-2C GLeWAP Phase (Nwamitwa Dam) 1 000 20 000 Water Resources Project: Raising of Clanwilliam Dam Mokolo and Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project (Phase 1) 478 50 000 70 000 21 000 GLeWAP Phase (Tzaneen Dam Raising) 49 970 86 800 74 830 Development of Raising of Hazelmere Dam 46 331 61 236 38 617 GLeWAP Distribution (Mopani DM) 33 000 22 000 Mzimvubu Water Project Nandoni Nsani (Mopani)     Mzimkulu – Ncwabeni Off Storage Nooitgedacht Water Scheme   13 000 Sub total Dam Safety Rehabilitation Programme Financial Management NWRI Support/ Project Management TOTAL

 Operational area 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 MTEF TOTAL R'000 Central Ops Eastern Ops Northern Ops Southern Ops TOTAL



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