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Problems in Adolescence

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1 Problems in Adolescence

2 Depression Sadness, frustration, hopelessness- most common psychological problem in teenage years 15-20%- 1 MDE Gender Difference Associations with drugs, law breaking, car accidents--- school perf, employ, marriage “Storm and Stress” perception Manifests in a variety of ways Learned helplessness attributional style Positive outcomes beyond control

3 Delinquency 30% of police arrests
Delinquency increases through late adolescence, then declines Related Factors: 3-8X boys Low SES, ethnic minority and middle SES White and Asian Temperament, low intelligence, poor school performance, peer rejection, antisocial peer group Family- low in warmth, high in conflict, lax or inconsistent discipline Prevention??? Treatment models- Costly, time intensive Removal from environment and long term outcomes

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