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Layers of the Earth Session 33

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1 Layers of the Earth Session 33
Warm Up Part 1: Brainstorm as many ways as you can to model the layers of the Earth.

2 Warm Up Part 2: Click link above for video Instructions:
Click link above for video Instructions: 1. Have a student read the paragraph out loud using “blank” for the blank spaces. 2. Watch the video clip 3 times total: 3. 1st Viewing, Listen and watch the video. 4. 2nd Viewing, fill-in-the-blank vocabulary. 5. 3rd viewing Double Check your work.

3 Check Your Answers: (Teacher, show hard-boiled egg to class)
Eventually, the earth's surface cooled and took a form more familiar to us. Today, even from space, we can see only a small part of the earth what lies underneath our planet's surface remains hidden from view. In a way, looking at the earth is like looking at the shell of a hard boiled egg. The shell is only a very thin covering, but if we cut open an egg we can see that beneath the shell are several layers. Inside the egg is yellowish yolk and the yolk is surrounded by white. Like an egg, the earth consists of several layers. Even though we can't cut open the earth, scientists have been able to determine much about what is under the earth's surface. Like the shell of an egg, the earth's outermost layer, called the crust, is very thin, on average, only about ten to twenty kilometers thick. Beneath the crust is a layer of denser, heavier material called the mantle. The mantle is the largest part of the earth. Scientists think the mantle is made up of heavy rock, containing metals like magnesium and iron. The core is at the center of the earth. It consists largely of nickel and iron. The very center of the core is the hottest part of the earth with temperatures reaching about 5,500 degrees celsius (9,800 °F.) .

4 Fill in the blanks: The Earth as a System
The Earth is an integrated system of rock, air, water, and living things. This system is divided into four parts: atmosphere (air) hydrosphere (water) biosphere (living things) geosphere (rock) Sphere n. - Any of a series of concentric, transparent, revolving globes that together were once thought to contain the moon, sun, planets, and stars.The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

5 Geosphere Highlight or underline the words in bold from this slide on:
Solid part of the Earth’s crust that consists of all rock, and the soils and sediments on Earth’s surface. Mostly located in the Earth’s interior

6 Earth’s Interior Seismic Waves: the waves that travel through the Earth’s interior during an earthquake. Altered by the type of material that it travels through.

7 Seismologists Scientists who measure changes in waves to determine that the earth’s interior is made in layers.

8 Composition of the Earth
Three layers: Crust Mantle Core Density increases towards the center of the Earth Think: What does density mean?

9 Crust Thin, outer layer. Made up of light elements.
Less than 1% of Earth’s mass. Estimated between 0-100km thick.

10 Mantle Layer beneath the crust. 64% of mass of Earth Approximately
2,900 km thick. Made of lithosphere asthenosphere

11 Lithosphere Outer layer. Cool, rigid.
Divided up into huge tectonic plates.

12 Asthenosphere Jello-like layer made of molten rock just below lithosphere. Flows very slowly and allows tectonic plates to move across

13 Core 3, 400 km radius. Sphere of hot, dense nickel and iron.
1/3 of the Earth’s mass. Made of Outer Core Inner Core

14 Write This In: Outer Core: Outer shell, made of liquid nickel and iron. Inner Core: Inner shell, a sphere of solid nickel and iron.

15 Listen & Enjoy Layers of the Earth Rap
Listen & Enjoy

16 Claim, Evidence and Reasoning Graphic Organizer (Turn your paper over--)
Question: How can an apple be used to model the layers of the Earth? Data/Evidence Example: The ______ of the apple can represent the ____________ of the earth. Reasoning Example: The ______________ of the Earth is _______________ (describe using scientific terms) and this is similar to the ________ of the apple. Claim Example: An apple can be used to model the layers of the Earth because _________________, __________________, and ______________. *Last Slide*

17 Warm Up: Check your answers for the CER, then, write a paragraph explaining the comparison of the layers of the earth to an apple.

18 A Review:

19 Layers of the Earth How do scientists know about the different layers of the Earth? Segment 2

20 Structures of the Earth DE Exploration

21 A Kinesthetic Divide students into 3 Groups of 10 and separate them around the room (3 corners), tell them that they will need to come up with a visual representation of the layers of the Earth. They will have approx.5-8 minutes to work together to do so. After the given amount of time, each group will take turns presenting their example. *Each student should be able to tell what layer they are on and why they are positioned the way that they are.

22 Digging into the Earth http://app. discoveryeducation
The Earth is composed primarily of rock. ¾ of the earth’s surface is covered in water and the entire planet is surrounded by a thin layer of gas we call the atmosphere. The crust consists of many continental and oceanic plates that have slowly moved and changed positions on the globe throughout geologic time. Surrounding the entire dense, metallic core is a thick, hot, convective layer called the mantle. Core:The Earth has a solid inner core that is surrounded by a liquid outer core. The inner core is a solid section of the Earth and is unattached to the mantle, being suspended by the molten outer core  The inner core is predominantly iron metal with significant amounts of the element nickel. This inner layer in mutual combination with the rotational motion of the Earth creates a dynamo effect where a force field is generated. This field is also known as Earth’s magnetic field. In terms of the physical aspects of the outer core, the layer is dense but not as dense as pure molten iron.

23 Exit Ticket: Layers of the Earth
Explain how the density demonstration could represent the layers of the earth. (Be sure to include all of the layers and their relative densities in order from the outside in.) Draw a diagram of the layers of the earth. Include each layer in your drawing and label each layer. Key vocabulary that should be in your drawing: Mantle, Inner Core, Outer Core, Lithosphere, crust (oceanic and continental), water.

24 Dynamo Effect Created by Inner Core (metals: majority iron, nickel)
Rotation of earth Earth’s magnetic field’s origin is the core. How does a magnet work? Explain why a compass’s magnetized needle point north?

25 BrainPop Layers of the Earth

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