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Bell ringer Some consider America a “melting pot”. What does this mean? Do you agree that America is a melting pot? If yes, why? If no, why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringer Some consider America a “melting pot”. What does this mean? Do you agree that America is a melting pot? If yes, why? If no, why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringer Some consider America a “melting pot”. What does this mean? Do you agree that America is a melting pot? If yes, why? If no, why not?

2 Anti-Immigration Movement

3 Immigrant Home Countries
China and Japan in the late 1800’s. to mine gold. build the railroads. West Indies, Mexico, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Cuba England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Large number Chinese immigrants Began severe unemployment, poverty, and famine What brought them here 1848 discovery of gold in California Rebellion in China Demand for railroad workers – Central Pacific Railroad

4 Nativism: favoritism toward native-born Americans
Anti-immigration groups begin to form Immigration Restriction League American Protective Association

5 3. Religious Differences- Most America was still Protestant.
Why? 1. Jobs- especially in large cities with substantial immigrant populations 2. Racism 3. Religious Differences- Most America was still Protestant. 4. Social Darwinism This was the idea of “survival of the fittest” Non Anglo-Saxons were not trusted Social Darwinism was begun by a man named Herbert Spencer It claimed that those who were the most powerful or advanced were a “higher species”. Broke up the different races into different species. The Aryan (white) Race was at the top. Eventually, led to the Holocaust in Germany.

6 Government Policies Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882.
Restricted Chinese Immigration with a few exceptions Was kept into law until 1943. “The Gentlemen’s Agreement” Japan kept citizens from immigrating in return for better treatment of Japanese already in America. Japanese students were segregated in San Francisco public schools Why do you think people would have been so adamant about segregating schools? Schools were desegregated due to the Gentlemen’s Agreement 1882– law banned mentally ill and convicts Placed 50 cent tax on newcomers Chinese Exclusion Act – Chinese already here not citizens ---- banned immigration Fight it No other immigration restrictions Made permanent in 1902 Drastically drops

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