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Barcelona presentation 1 st Interest Group Workshop Regina Enrich Sard Researcher at Mobility&Energy Group Barcelona Digital Technological Centre 26 th.

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1 Barcelona presentation 1 st Interest Group Workshop Regina Enrich Sard Researcher at Mobility&Energy Group Barcelona Digital Technological Centre 26 th June, 2012

2 Partners Figures Goals Tools Use cases overview Table of Contents 1 st Interest Group Workshop Paris, 26th June 2012 2

3 3 Mobility Department Partners

4 Figures Paris, 26th June 2012 4 Metro lines: 8-102 km Tram lines: 6-50 km Bus lines: 106-932 km Bicycles: 180.000 Car ownership: 610 cars/1000 inhabitants Inhabitants: 1.6 million Area: 101 km 2 Cars Total Motorbikes Scooters Vans Trucks Others

5 Figures Paris, 26th June 2012 5 Barcelona citizens Total Metropolitan area citizens Non-motorized Transp. Public Transp. Private Transp. Cars Motorbikes Others TRIPS MODAL DISTRIBUTION PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION

6 Goals Paris, 26th June 2012 6 1.Achieve high-quality, integrated public transport. 2.Improve the speed of surface public transport. 3.Increase the surface area and quality of the public areas destined to pedestrian use. 4.Increase the number of parking spaces and their quality. 5.Improve citizens' information and road signals and signs. 6.Achieve a set of legal regulations suited to the mobility of the city of Barcelona. 7.Improve road safety and respect among users of the different modes of transport. 8.Promote the use of less polluting fuels, and control air and noise pollution caused by traffic. 9.Promote the use of bicycles as a regular means of transport. 10.Achieve an agile, orderly distribution of goods and products throughout the city.

7 Incentives Paris, 26th June 2012 7 Some actions promoting electromobility… Live Point – Citizens helpdesk and Point of Information Access to 260 charging points On-street free paid parking for (full) EVs On-street free recharging (at least until 2013) New off-street parking construction (2% of parking places equipped with plug-in stations). 75% reduction in electric vehicle registration tax. Subsidy of 15% of electric vehicle acquisition cost Toll reduction for clean vehicles in highways owned by Catalan government

8 Tools Paris, 26th June 2012 8 Support EV initiatives through LIVE Office

9 Tools Paris, 25th June 2012 9 259 Charging points spread all over the city - Goal : 200 m mesh

10 Tools Paris, 26th June 2012 10 Recharging infrastructure in Barcelona LIVE Office – Communication indicators

11 Use cases A running service: MobecHotels Paris, 26th June 2012 11 Phase I 30 Electric Motorbikes 5 Hotels in Barcelona Diagonal Zero Santos Porta Fira Me Barcelona Rey Juan Carlos I W Barcelona

12 Use cases Paris, 26th June 2012 12 Offer a public electric scooter rental service for Barcelona citizens A charging stations network will be deployed in key areas of the city (shopping & financial area, train station, etc.) The goal is to have at least 45 electric scooter operating in one year and 250 in three years + Evolution of the Shared Electric Mobility into the Integrated Public Transport fare

13 Pilot Roadmap Paris, 26th June 2012 13 Phase I – Operative pilot Cover all demand identified during Phase II Phase II – Commercial pilotPhase III - Growth Objective Electric scooters (accumulated) Investment (bikes+stations) Period Key points Test and adjust operative design in a reduced area and with a short number of customers Test the offer with real customers, increasing the number of scooters and expanding activity area 45 (20 Tourists & 25 Public) 130 (30 Tourists & 100 Public) 300 (50 Tourists & 250 Public) 6-12 months 12-18 months 24 months Investment: 225K Operational Expenses: 61K Investment: 497K Operational Exp: 131K Investment: 994K Operational Exp: 262K Time needed to design and develop/adjust the system before the test in the street Available space for the charging stations Marketing activity to communicate the service in the operative areas Available space for the charging stations

14 Use cases 14 A percentage of EV is demanded in public bids ( i.e. 33% in rubbish collection 2 years ago) Urban Services with EV Cleaning Services Parks & Gardens maintenance Traffic Lights maintenance Main urban service with EV Fleet are the Cleaning Services. Cleaning Services Providers: URBASER, FCC, CLD,CELSA Paris, 26th June 2012 Public Fleet 1 st Quarter 2012: 298 EV 271 Full electric Vehicle 27 Hybrid Vehicle

15 MObility based on eLEctric Connected vehicles in Urban and interurban smart, cLean, EnvironmentS Thank you! Regina Enrich Sard

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