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Portfolio Committee on Police

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1 Portfolio Committee on Police
2012/13 ANNUAL REPORT: IPID Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Police 16 October 2013

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction & overview by the Acting Executive Director – Ms Mbeki Overview by Acting Executive Director Strategic objectives that shaped the 2012/13 agenda Financial performance: Ms Ngcongo Programme performance : Programme 1: Administration - Mr Dlamini Programme 2: Investigation & Information Management - Mr Sesoko Programme 3: Legal Services- Ms Mbeki Action plan to address concerns raised by the Auditor-General - Ms Mbeki Action plan to address PCP concerns - Ms Mbeki

Did an extensive organizational analysis: found the following: Misalignment of planning and budgeting processes Misalignment of budget to needs of IPID Misallocation of funds Misclassification of budget and spending items Spending on non core activities and items Some approved posts were not funded & could not be filled be annual adjustment No full costing of IPID Act No full analysis of implementation implications No change management strategy Implementation plan did not talk to the needs of the people Needed to get the basics right

Applied for virements during the annual adjustment period Reprioritization & movement of funds from G&S to CoE Funded all approved posts and filled most of them by end of the financial year Moratorium on overtime for Prog 1 & Prog 3 Cut down travel, accommodation & subsistence Cut down on use of consultants Cut down on utilization of GG vehicles Currently reviewing the transport policy Negotiating with Unions to encourage members to take subsidized vehicles

Generally our performance was not bad – 1st year of implementation of IPID Act Teething problems in the 1st year Change is a process developed change management strategy Needed to put systems in place to manage the change Set aside the whole year to set targets and determine baseline – achieved that Established new units to support and complement core business Beefed up capacity of investigations & legal services Improved compliance with legal & policy framework

Corrected the above for the 2013/18 financial years Alignment of planning and budgeting processes Organizational structure to be aligned to functional structure & budget structure Alignment of budget to needs of IPID Sorted out misallocation of funds Sorted out misclassification of budget and spending items Cut spending on non core activities and items – Cost cutting measures Developed SOPs to beef up the Regulations – uniformity & standardization Developed training manual for investigators – consistency

Developed training manual for investigators – consistency Developed investigation guidelines Training interventions for investigators on expanded mandate Investigation of high profile cases (Cato Manor & Marikana) Implementation of expanded mandate Stakeholder engagements (SIU, PPP, SAPS, SSA, NPA, CS) Community outreach Radio campaigns Establishment of satellite office in Pretoria & Kwa-Mhlanga Received an unqualified audit opinion

Did not spend all the money allocated Cost cutting & cost saving measures (savings) Delays in filling senior management positions Delays in procuring satellite offices Over budgeting for leases (HO) Review of flow centric by SITA Delays in procurement of furniture – lack of office space IPID had a total workload of 7 277 Received new cases and allocated 5779 ( 86%) within 48 hours Carried over from ICD were 549 IPID completed a total of cases Capacity constraints (number of personnel & knowledge & skills)

Public awareness campaigns - achieved Up to date policies and guidelines – not achieved Case management system – achieved partly Budget spending – not achieved Stakeholder management – achieved Recommendation reports - achieved Feedback reports on recommendations – not achieved Set indicators & targets for investigation of S28 matters - achieved Set indicators & targets for legal support & investigation advisory services – achieved

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE /INDICATOR TARGET Performance Case management system Percentage of cases allocated within 48 hours 95% 86% Number of statistical reports generated on the number and types of cases investigated, recommendations made and the outcomes thereof 19 18 Completed investigations Percentage of all investigations completed within the financial year Determine baseline Baseline determined

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE/ INDICATOR TARGET Performance Number of backlog investigation, excluding cases of systemic corruption 656 236 Recommendation reports Disciplinary recommendation reports generated within 30 days of completion of investigation All completed cases 1 040

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE/ INDICATOR TARGET Performance Criminal recommendations generated within 30 days of completion of investigation All completed cases 1 088 Feedback reports on investigations Feedback reports regarding the outcomes of investigations provided within 30 days of closure thereof All closed cases 1 267

Comparison of workload to completed and closed cases Province workload completed closed Eastern Cape 737 357 45 Free State 1 010 898 371 Gauteng 1 417 600 122 Kwazulu-Natal 861 308 39 Limpopo 437 326 150 Mpumalanga 418 295 2 North West 384 328 240 Northern Cape 312 253 129 Western Cape 1 701 598 169 Grand Total 7 277 3 963 1 267

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REVIEW OF IPID 2012/13 ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS Budget Allocations and In-year adjustments Expenditure Analysis Auditor General Report Unauthorised; Irregular; Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure

15 BUDGET 2011/12 and 2012/13 - Final Allocation
Budget Allocations: 2012/13 2011/12 2012/13 % Increase R R 28% Significant increase as a result of additional allocation for the first year of implementation of the IPID Act.

16 BUDGET 2012/13 – Initial vs. . Final Appropriation
2012/13 Budget per Programme Programme Budget (ENE- before adjustments) Budget % of Initial Appropriation Budget (Final) Budget % of Final Appropriation R’000 % Administration 92 850 47.2% 86 526 43.7% Investigation & Information Management 98 755 50.1% 53.5% Legal Services 5 356 2.7% 5 405 Total 100% Budget per Economic Classification Economic Classification Budget (ENE- before adjustments) Budget % of Initial Appropriation Budget (Final) Budget as % of Final Appropriation R’000 % Compensation 95 165 48.8% 52.6% Goods & Services 95 925 48.7% 85 328 43.1% Transfers 95 1.7% 2 142 1% Machinery & Equipment 776 2.9% 6 135 3.1% Payments for financial assets (debts written off) 0% 7 0.2% Total 100%

17 BUDGET 2012/13 – Initial vs. Final Appropriation
Contributors to in-year adjustments: In year adjustments from goods and services to compensation of employees (2012 in-year budget analysis in order to fully implement organizational structure of 349 posts for 2012/13); Additional allocation to accommodate higher personnel remuneration increases than the initial budget provided for. Transfers: To fund unplanned payment of leave discounting and settlements (employees who resigned from the public service). Machinery and Equipment: To fund anticipated commitments in machinery and equipment. Payments in financial assets: To fund debt write offs

18 BUDGET 2012/13: Overall Departmental Spending
Budget per Programme (Final Appropriation) & Expenditure Budget (Final) Expenditure Variance Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation R’000 % 26 449 86.6%

19 BUDGET 2012/13: Overall Departmental Spending
Spent on core activities Introduction of cost cutting measures to avoid spending on non-core activities The budget’s allocation amongst others was prioritized to conduct public awareness on the directorate`s mandate and functions through: community outreach events, media campaigns and the establishment of satellite offices to increase public accessibility, however the establishment of earmarked satellite offices could not take place due to the delays in procurement process which was conducted in conjunction with the DPW. Delays in filling senior management posts, including appointment of nine provincial heads resulted in under spending in compensation of employees. Under spending on budgeted office furniture and IT equipment for the appointments which could not be made. Measures put in place to address the above: Regular monitoring and update of recruitment action plan to address the filling of vacancies Regular monitoring of procurement plans Regular engagement and follow up with the Department of Public Works

20 QUARTERLY SPENDING TRENDS : 2012/13 – Per Programme
Cumulative % Quarter Spend % Quarter Spend % Quarter Spend % Quarter Spend % Administration 17 41 65 81 Investigation and Information Management 16 36 57 92 Legal Services 10 23 40 77 Total Actual Expenditure 38 60 87 Should have spent 25% Should have spent 50% Should have spent 75% Should have spent 100% Shortfall 8% 12% 15% 13%

21 QUARTERLY SPENDING TRENDS : 202/13 – Per Economic Classification
Cumulative % Quarter Spend % Quarter Spend % Quarter Spend % Quarter Spend % Compensation of employees 20 43 66 92 Goods & Services 14 36 56 82 Transfers & Subsidies - 79 100 Machinery & Equipment 4 55 Payments for financial assets 71 Total Actual Expenditure 17 38 60 87 Should have spent 25% Should have spent 50% Should have spent 75% Should have spent 100%

22 Spending Trends Per Quarter: 2012/13
March Spike: Compensation of employees: payout of performance bonuses (levels 1-12) Goods and services: machinery & equipment less than R5000 Machinery & equipment: late procurement and delivery Abnormal spikes: Transfers (Q3 & Q4):unplanned leave discounting and settlements due to officials who left the public service

23 BUDGET 2012/13: Overall Expenditure per Programme
Budget per Programme (Final Appropriation) & Expenditure Programme Budget (Final) Expenditure Variance Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation R’000 % Administration 86 526 70 258 16 268 81.2% Investigation & Information Management 97 009 8 958 91.5% Legal Services 5 405 4 182 1 223 77.4% Total 26 449 86.6%

24 BUDGET 2012/13: Overall Expenditure per Economic Classification
Budget per Economic Classification (Final Appropriation) & Expenditure Economic Classification Budget (Final) Expenditure Variance Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation R’000 % Compensation 95 993 8 293 92.0% Goods & Services 85 328 69 962 15 366 82.0% Transfers 2 142 - 100.0% Machinery & Equipment 6 135 3 345 2 790 54.5% Payments for financial assets (debts written off) 7 Total 26 449 86.6%

Economic classification R’ 000 Compensation of employees 8 293 Goods and services 15 366 Machinery and equipment 2 790 TOTAL Underspending 26 449

26 BREAKDOWN OF UNDERSPENDING - Compensation of employees: R8,2m
R8, 2 million due to: 1 x Executive Director for 7 SR 15= R 10 x Chief Director posts for 7 SR 14 = R 1 x Director ICT for 7 13= R 1x Director Investigations (Mpumalanga) for 6 807 Savings due to internal promotions: R Delays in filling some of the key funded posts including ED, provincial heads and PM: Investigations and Information Management has resulted in under-spending in compensation of employees

27 BREAKDOWN OF UNDERSPENDING - Goods and services: R15,4m
Leases (higher amounts budgeted for but expenditure much less) City Forum – R1,107 million per month = R13,279 million per annum Structura rate – R498k per month = R5,976 million per annum Difference = R7,302 million per annum Property invoices not billed, yet accrued for (June, Partial Mar) = R 1,9 million June and under billing(Dec and Mar) Satellite offices: R 3,802 million KwaMhlanga (R2,055 million) ;and George (R1,747 million) OTHER MATTERS THAT WERE NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED: R2.4 million ID cards for investigators (R ) FlowCentric payments (R ) Office furniture (less than R5000) and Administrative costs in respect of vacant SMS posts (R )

28 BREAKDOWN OF UNDERSPENDING - Machinery and equipment: R2,8 m
Delays in establishment of satellite offices R Vacancies of Provincial Heads posts Furniture R IT Equipment R Delays in procurement and in delivery R

29 Actions taken/planned to avoid re-occurrence: Spending Trends
Compensation of Employees: Regular monitoring and update of action plan on the filling of vacancies to ensure that the vacancy rate is controlled. Officials appointed in Acting capacity, whilst the recruitment is in process, to mitigate effect on IPID’s performance In terms of Goods & Services: Regular follow up and tracking of the finalisation of accommodation for satellite offices, (Mpumalanga & Western Cape). This is done in conjunction with DPW The Directorate has developed a satellite office strategy which will improve the manner in which IPID satellite offices are established, particularly in rural areas The implementation of the proposed satellite office strategy will greatly contribute to the improvement in domestic travel cost pressures Improvement of systems for the monitoring of expenditure patterns Continuous emphasis on cost effective measures to ensure that funds are spent on core activities of the Directorate. In terms of Machinery and Equipment: Development of updated financial delegations Close monitoring of procurement plans Monitoring closely expenditure on machinery and equipment

30 Auditor General Report – 2012/13
Opinion: Unqualified – good audit opinion Predetermined Objectives: Measurability and usefulness: Performance targets not specific nor measurable(core operations) Required performance could not be measured for 29% of the targets selected. Compliance with laws and regulations: Funded vacant posts not filled within 12 months Employees acted in higher vacant posts for more than 12 months Payments not settled in 30 days Internal Control: Full implementation of developed action plans Investigations: SIU investigation on the lease arrangement of the City Forum Building

31 Unauthorised; Irregular; Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure – 2012/13
Unauthorised Expenditure The directorate did not incur unauthorised expenditure in the year under audit. Irregular Expenditure Three (3) transactions which were reported as irregular and also disclosed as such in the disclosure notes. Two were in respect of delegations exceeded and one related to leave without approval. Fruitless and wasteful expenditure An amount of R1 700 was identified and reported in our books as fruitless and wasteful expenditure due to the traffic fines that were issued to the officials using rented vehicles.


The Directorate issued eighty-two (82) media statements on its various investigations and responded to nine hundred and twenty four written media enquiries and held 5 media briefings around the country to communicate developments in the IPID’s investigations. The IPID also ran a three week radio campaign to highlight its mandate, given the change from the ICD. The campaign which ran on all SABC radio stations around the country was a huge success as it ensured that in a very short time people knew what the IPID is and what sort of cases are investigated by it. The radio campaign played a major role in ensuring that the Directorate reaches as many South Africans as possible. Engagements with major stakeholders and the community received focus during the period under review and the Directorate was able to conduct three hundred and six (306) community awareness events, focusing on rural areas. Some policies were reviewed during the reporting period.

Establishment of Corporate Governance Directorate 9 monitoring and evaluation reports were produced with recommendations  The Directorate continued from the last reporting period to ensure that the finances are managed properly and managed to correct the misallocation of the budget  Expenditure Reports were produced in line with the set target Asset verification was performed on a quarterly basis in order to ensure accountability for allocated assets in line with good governance principles  Target in relation to keeping the vacancy rate below 10% not met Target on having 50% of females at senior management level not met, this was affected by the non filling of 10 Chief Director posts as well as the Executive Director post The Directorate will continue to strive to ensure that at least 2% of posts are filled by people with disabilities.

OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS TARGETS 2012/13 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASONS FOR VARIANCE 3.1.1 PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS 1 Number of community outreach events conducted annually 306 306 outreach events conducted nationally Target met 2 Number of formal media statements and responses released annually 50 87 media statements issued and 5 media briefings held. 924 media responses released 3.1.2 STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT 3 Number of formal engagements with key stakeholders held annually 4 5 engagements with stakeholders held 3.2.1 UP TO DATE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES Percentage of policies reviewed by departmental Policy Review Committee annually 100% 31% of policies reviewed (15 out of 49 policies were reviewed). Target not met Some policies were not reviewed due to capacity constraints 3.2.2 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 5 Number of performance monitoring and evaluation reports submitted Established Corporate Governance Component and set annual and quarterly targets Component established and 9 monitoring and evaluation reports submitted to the Accounting Officer 6 Number of financial expenditure reports submitted 16 16 expenditure reports submitted 7 Number of asset verifications and updates of asset register completed 65 asset verifications and updates of asset register done in each IPID office

OUTPUT (STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) INDICATORS TARGETS 2012/13 ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASONS FOR VARIANCE 3.2.2 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (continued) 8 % vacancy rate Below 10% 45 posts out of 349 were vacant, resulting in a vacancy rate of 12.9% Target not met: Non-filling of 10 Chief Director posts that have been vacant since 01 April 2012 and Executive Director post that is still vacant increased the vacancy rate 9 % females at senior – and top management level 50% 40% of senior positions occupied by females ( 8 out of 20 senior positions are filled by women) Non-filling of 10 Chief Director posts that have been vacant since 01 April 2012 and Executive Director post that is still vacant contributed to failure to meet this target 10 % of staff complement consisting of people with disabilities 2% 4 out of 349 posts filled by people with disabilities, amounting to 1% of staff The Directorate receives limited applications from people with disabilities


38 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Total workload and cases completed per province Province Total received Total carried over Total workload Total completed Percentage completed Eastern Cape 708 29 737 357 48% Free State 1 010 898 89% Gauteng 1 139 278 1 417 600 42% Kwazulu-Natal 772 89 861 308 36% Limpopo 416 21 437 326 75% Mpumalanga 360 58 418 295 71% North West 377 7 384 328 85% Northern Cape 306 6 312 253 81% Western Cape 1 640 61 1 701 598 35% Grand Total 6 728 549 7 277 3 963 54%

39 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 breakdown of cases received per province per classification Province Deaths in police Custody Deaths as result of police Discharge of official fire-arm Rape by police official Rape in Police custody Eastern Cape 37 47 108 16 1 Free State 23 31 81 15 5 Gauteng 52 118 96 27 10 Kwazulu-Natal 44 102 4 24 Limpopo 34 28 68 9 Mpumalanga North West 26 Northern Cape 8 Western Cape 29 277 Grand Total 275 431 670 146 22

40 Non compliance with IPID Act
STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Breakdown of cases received per province per classification Cont… Province Assault / Torture Corruption Other criminal cases Non compliance with IPID Act Systemic corruption Eastern Cape 397 8 80 11 3 Free State 730 14 72 37 2 Gauteng 569 9 249 1 Kwazulu-Natal 419 56 105 Limpopo 246 12 7 Mpumalanga 194 92 10 North West 256 4 36 North Cape 228 23 15 Western Cape 1 142 82 25 Grand Total 4 181 120 750 127 6

41 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Death in police custody per province Province
workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 40 20 50% To be determined Free State 23 100% Gauteng 72 60 83% Kwazulu-Natal 45 44% Limpopo 35 30 86% Mpumalanga 24 19 79% North West 22 96% Northern Cape 9 7 78% Western Cape 29 Grand Total 300 180 60%

42 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Death as a result of police action per province Province workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 49 23 47% To be determined Free State 31 28 90% Gauteng 151 71 Kwazulu-Natal 123 73 59% Limpopo 30 27 Mpumalanga 41 37 North West 18 78% Northern Cape 8 6 75% Western Cape 43 36 84% Grand Total 499 319 64%

43 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Discharge of an official fire-arm per province Province workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 108 43 40% To be determined Free State 81 72 89% Gauteng 97 6 6% Kwazulu-Natal 4 0% Limpopo 73 53 73% Mpumalanga 2 1 50% North West 26 23 88% Northern Cape 9 44% Western Cape 277 191 69% Grand Total 677 393 58%

44 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Rape by police officer per province Province
workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 16 12 75% To be determined Free State 15 14 93% Gauteng 27 56% Kwazulu-Natal 25 Limpopo 9 8 89% Mpumalanga 0% North West 7 78% Northern Cape Western Cape 37 28 76% Grand Total 147 106 72%

45 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Rape in police custody per province Province
workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 1 100% To be determined Free State 5 Gauteng 10 2 20% Kwazulu-Natal 4 50% Limpopo Mpumalanga - North West Northern Cape Western Cape Grand Total 22 12 55%

46 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Torture cases per province Province workload
completed percentage target Eastern Cape 35 10 29% To be determined Free State - Gauteng 3 1 33% Kwazulu-Natal 8 Limpopo Mpumalanga North West 4 75% Northern Cape Western Cape Grand Total 50 14 28%

47 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Assault cases per province Province workload
completed percentage target Eastern Cape 362 169 47% To be determined Free State 730 644 88% Gauteng 646 329 51% Kwazulu-Natal 459 137 30% Limpopo 257 185 72% Mpumalanga 221 141 64% North West 252 Northern Cape 234 196 84% Western Cape 1142 239 21% Grand Total 4 303 2 261 53%

48 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Corruption cases per province Province
workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 8 4 50% To be determined Free State 14 12 86% Gauteng 18 5 28% Kwazulu-Natal 57 13 23% Limpopo 67% Mpumalanga 3 60% North West 2 Northern Cape Western Cape 11 36% Grand Total 133 53 40%

49 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Systemic corruption per province Province
workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 3 0% To be determined Free State 2 100% Gauteng 1 Kwazulu-Natal - Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape Grand Total 6 33%

50 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Non compliance with IPID Act Province
workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 11 10 91% To be determined Free State 37 100% Gauteng 8 5 63% Kwazulu-Natal 14 4 29% Limpopo 7 6 86% Mpumalanga 0% North West - Northern Cape 15 Western Cape 25 18 72% Grand Total 127 95 75%

51 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Other criminal matters Province workload
completed percentage target Eastern Cape 100 62 62% To be determined Free State 69 58 84% Gauteng 350 123 35% Kwazulu-Natal 107 39 36% Limpopo 11 6 55% Mpumalanga 112 93 83% North West 28 72% Northern Cape 23 14 61% Western Cape 114 38 33% Grand Total 925 461 50%

52 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Misconduct and service delivery complaints
Province workload completed percentage target Eastern Cape 4 3 75% To be determined Free State 100% Gauteng 34 27 79% Kwazulu-Natal 15 6 40% Limpopo 2 Mpumalanga 1 33% North West Northern Cape - Western Cape 23 21 91% Grand Total 88 67 76%

53 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Manner of closure per province Province
Acquittals Convictions Decline Dismissed Referred Unsubstantiated Withdrawn total Eastern Cape 3 1 11 5 21 4 45 Free State 26 20 33 8 235 46 371 Gauteng 113 122 Kwazulu-Natal 38 39 Limpopo 9 50 2 60 25 150 Mpumalanga North West 15 153 54 240 Northern Cape 6 23 85 129 Western Cape 169 Grand Total 35 52 127 7 179 777 90 1 267

54 STATISTICS FOR 2012/2013 Recommendations made Province DPP Generated
SAPS Generated Referred Eastern Cape 215 38 214 170 Free State 161 102 127 88 Gauteng 27 10 89 30 KwaZulu-Natal 20 17 33 Limpopo 139 96 66 63 Mpumalanga 164 43 150 87 North West 106 95 68 64 Northern Cape 125 26 107 78 Western Cape 131 118 189 175 Grand Total 1 088 545 1 040 788

55 CONVICTIONS FOR 2012/2013 Convictions Province Criminal Departmental
Total Eastern Cape 9 18 27 Free State 1 5 6 Gauteng 10 4 14 KwaZulu-Natal 11 Limpopo 12 2 Mpumalanga - North West 3 21 Northern Cape 8 22 Western Cape 25 Grand Total 57 84 141


STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE /INDICATOR TARGET performance Legal and litigation advisory Percentage of contracts and service level agreements finalized within 21 working days of request Determine baseline 44% Percentage of legal opinions provided to the directorate within 10 working days of request 60% Investigation advisory service Percentage of investigations in which legal advice was requested 95%

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE MEASURE /INDICATOR TARGET performance Percentage of legal opinions provided to investigators within 24 hours of request Determine baseline 100%

59 Action Plan to address AG queries
Filling of vacancies Bulk procurement of IT and investigative equipment Continuous analysis and alignment of budget to changing operational needs Reshuffling of acting arrangements pending permanent appointments Continuous review of Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan Weekly tracking of invoices

60 Action Plan to address PCP issues
Issues raised in previous financial year already addressed (ICD) Misalignment of budget Analysis of good and services Lack of system of reporting performance against predetermined objectives HR Plan and Retention policy not in place Money owed by department not paid within 30 days Interim financial statements not submitted No approval of overtime payment Low number of female applicants for SMS posts Poor completion of cases in Gauteng Management of high domestic travel Centralisation of functions at national office Non-compliance with SOPs

61 - THE END -

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