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Refractivity During IHOP_2002

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1 Refractivity During IHOP_2002
Tammy M. Weckwerth (NCAR/ATD), Crystalyne R. Pettet (NCAR/ATD), Frédéric Fabry (McGill University), ShinJu Park (McGill University) and James W. Wilson (NCAR/ATD) Water Vapor Intercomparison Workshop, Boulder, 2-3 October 2003

2 Intercomparisons Fixed and mobile surface stations AERIBAGO SRL

3 Intercomparisons Mean Bias Stn-Radar = 1.68 N units

4 Intercomparisons Bias is not related to propagation effects since it’s not diurnally dependent Bias is worse at higher humidities

5 Surface Station Intercomparisons

6 Surface Station Intercomparisons
Excellent correlations Radar has negative bias

7 Mobile Mesonet comparisons
Correlation = 0.81

8 Correlation = 0.88

9 AERIBAGO comparisons Correlation=0.89 Correlation=0.75

10 SRL comparisons

11 UWKA comparisons Correlation drop occurs between 358 m leg (0.96) and 673 m leg (0.74) Correlation=0.93

12 Correlation=0.88

13 Summary Radar Refractivity may be a proxy for water vapor during the warm season. Radar Refractivity shows excellent correlation with surface station and aircraft refractivity. Radar Refractivity has a low bias vs fixed surface stations Vertical depth represented appears to be lower levels of the ABL (<~300 m?). Horizontal resolution is approximately 4 km (although it sometimes appears better).

14 Ongoing Work Evaluate accuracy of low-level refractivity retrieval
Fixed and mobile mesonets Plan to: Add GPS intercomparisons Plan to: Add DRI MMR intercomparisons Evaluate layer over which refractivity retrieval is representative Aircraft in situ measurements SRL intercomparisons AERI intercomparisons Plan to: Add Sounding & Dropsonde comparisons Plan to: Add horizontal and vertical pointing airborne DIAL Plan to: Add TAOS intercomparisons Possibly add: MIPS profiling radiometer intercomparisons Plan to: Evaluate two more days in detail

15 Comments and Suggestions?

16 2 km 11 km Correlation=0.88

17 S-Pol Refractivity Retrieval
Variations in q, T and p Boundary detection Advection Pettet et al., next; Fabry and Park, 1700 dryline dryline cool/moist warm/dry

18 Refractivity: One Day After Heavy Rainfall Aircraft in-situ data
Northern edge of aircraft track Ts=45 deg C, Theta60=307 K, q60 = 8.5 g/kg warm/dry Southern edge of aircraft track Ts=32 deg C, Theta60=306.2 K, q60 = 11 g/kg cool/moist

19 warm/dry cool/moist

20 Surface station comparisons
Correlation = 0.99

21 Correlation = 0.92 Correlation = 0.98

22 Correlation = 0.14

23 Correlation = 0.68

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