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Vocabulary Intro.

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1 Vocabulary Intro

2 practice If you practice an activity, you do it many times so you get better at it. If you practice hitting the baseball every day, your hitting will get better. What do you practice?

3 hurried If you hurried to do something or go somewhere, you tried to finish it or get there quickly. The soccer player hurried to stop the ball. He moved fast. When have you hurried to get somewhere?

4 position When something is in a certain position, it is sitting, lying, or arranged in that way. The batter is in position to hit the baseball. What position do you spend most of your time in?

5 roared If an animal or person roared, they made a loud, deep noise.
The crowd roared loudly as the player caught the ball. At what kind of event would a crowd have roared?

6 extra Something that is extra is more than what is usual or needed.
The extra players for the football team sat on the bench. Why would a car carry an extra tire?

7 curb The curb is where the sidewalk meets the edge of the road.
After skating, the girl rested on the curb outside her house. Why do you think some roads have a curb, but other roads do not?

8 cheered When people cheered they shouted in happiness and excitement.
The audience clapped and cheered as the player scored a goal. Why do you think a crowd at a football game stood up and cheered?

9 final If something is last or at the end, it is final.
When the game ended, the final score was four to two. What comes after the final school day of the week?

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