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Orozco EOY School-Wide Data

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Presentation on theme: "Orozco EOY School-Wide Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Orozco EOY School-Wide Data
Analyzing Network Data

2 Objectives To analyze the EOY TRC and NWEA data To highlight successes
To reflect on teacher practices (those that worked and those that didn't)

3 Primary EOY Data

4 K to 2nd Grade Spanish EOY
Kindergarten 67% Meet/Exceed 1st grade 100% Meet/Exceed 2nd grade 81% Meet/Exceed

5 K to 2nd Grade Successes K-2nd grade 87% of all students Meet/Exceed
1st grade 1st place in the Network for highest percentage of students who Meet/Exceed 2nd grade 2nd place in the Network for highest percentage of students who Meet/Exceed

6 3rd-5th EOY Data

7 % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Reading RIT
3rd grade 83% 4th grade 65% 5th grade 77%

8 3rd to 5th Grade Reading Successes
3rd grade 2nd place in the Network for % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Reading RIT 5th grade 6th place in the Network for % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Reading RIT

9 % of Students at or above grade level in Reading
3rd grade 67% 4th grade 91% 5th grade 78%

10 3rd to 5th Grade Reading Successes
3rd grade 1st place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Reading 4th grade 5th grade

11 % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Math RIT
3rd grade 83% 4th grade 74% 5th grade 88%

12 3rd to 5th Grade Math Successes
3rd grade 5th place in the Network 5th grade 3rd place in the Network

13 6th-8th EOY Data

14 % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Reading RIT
6th grade 61% 7th grade 8th grade 70%

15 6th-8th Grade Reading Successes
1st place in the Network for % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Reading RIT 8th grade 4th place in the Network for % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Reading RIT

16 % of Students at or above grade level in Reading
6th grade 47% 7th grade 59% 8th grade 62%

17 6th-8th Grade Reading Successes
3rd place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Reading 7th grade 1st place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Reading 8th grade 2nd place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Reading

18 % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Math RIT
6th grade 57% 7th grade 68% 8th grade 76%

19 6th-8th Grade Math Successes
7th place in the Network for % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Math RIT

20 % of Students at or above grade level in Math
6th grade 41% 7th grade 48% 8th grade 42%

21 6th-8th Grade Math Successes
6th place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Math 7th grade 5th place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Math 8th grade 3rd place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Math

22 3rd-8th Grade Overall Reading Successes
8th place in the Network for % of Students who met or exceeded their projected Reading RIT 1st place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Reading

23 3rd-8th Grade Overall Math Successes
1st place in the Network for % of Students at or above grade level in Math

24 Reflection Reflect on the successes of your grade- level, as represented by the data. Reflect on your classroom practices (those that worked and those that didn't).

25 Reflecting on your practices
Tier I (Universal) Intervention/Instruction Tier 1 interventions are those available/provided to all students in the classroom. These may be research based. Tier 1 – School-Wide, Universal Core Curriculum Deliver core curriculum to all students (Example: 90-minute reading block, daily class period) Assess ALL children three times per year Measure ALL student progress against grade level benchmarks. Core curriculum should be effective with at least 80% of all students. Begin with whole class instructional strategies Differentiate instruction as needed with flexible small groups and other differentiation strategies Monitor and assess student progress using authentic result measures

26 Reflecting on your practices
Tier Two Strategic Intervention (in addition to Tier I) -Tier II interventions are to be implemented when assessment data indicates that a student is not making adequate progress from universal instruction alone. They are generally smaller group interventions designed to meet the specific needs of a student and his/her peers with similar needs. These interventions MUST be evidence based strategies. Tier 2 – Strategic Interventions -Students in general education classrooms who have not met benchmarks through whole class and differentiated instruction (10-15% of all students). -Strategic Interventions do not replace classroom instruction but support classroom instruction by focusing on specific deficits. -Strategic Interventions should be conducted by the classroom teacher with groups of five or fewer students. -Interventions are targeted to the identified area of need. -Interventions are highly interactive (both oral and written). Skills are directly applied. Attendance/delivery of intervention is documented. -If a significant number of students appear to be in need of Tier 2 instruction, the effectiveness of Tier I (core) instruction must be evaluated.

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