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Kingdoms Life science.

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1 Kingdoms Life science

2 Classifications Scientists classify organisms into 6 kingdoms
When dividing organisms into kingdoms, scientists consider the organism’s cell type, cell structure, body form, and whether it is an autotroph or heterotroph

3 How they get food Autotroph – organism that uses energy from sunlight to produce its own food; usually plants Heterotroph – cannot produce its own food; uses organic carbon for growth

4 Kingdom Eubacteria • unicellular bacteria (one celled)
• prokaryotic – no nucleus • thick cell walls • some are autotrophs, some are heterotrophs • classified by shape: cocci, bacilli, sprillia

5 Kingdom Archaebacteria -
• unicellular bacteria (one celled) • prokaryotic – no nucleus • some are autotrophic, some are heterotrophic • live in extremely harsh environments; salt water and hot springs


7 Kingdom Protista • Eukaryotes (cells have nucleus)
• Mostly unicellular • Some are heterotrophs • Some are autotrophs • Examples amoeba, Paramecium

8 Kingdom Fungi • Heterotrophs
• Most fungi get their food by breaking down dead organic matter • Mushrooms(multicellular) and Yeasts (unicellular

9 Kingdom Plantae • Plants are all • Produce Oxygen • Have a cell wall
o Multicellular o Autotrophic (chloroplasts) • Produce Oxygen • Have a cell wall • Come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes

10 Kingdom Animalia • Multicellular and Heterotrophic
• Eat plants and/or other organisims • Come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes • No Cell Wall or Chloroplasts

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