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Historical Thinking Skills

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1 Historical Thinking Skills

2 Important words to know
Compare Contrast Evaluate Analyze Predict Explain Support Identify Classify Interpret Summarize Infer

3 Important words to know
Compare- Similarities AND differences Contrast- Differences Evaluate- Make a decision based on the info Analyze-Break it down to figure out what happened. Interpret Predict- Guess what will happen based on the info Explain- Use details to answer Why? And How? Support- Use details to defend YOUR argument Identify- Find the info Classify- Place similar items into groups Summarize- Restate the info in your OWN words Infer- Make a conclusion/deduction based off of reasoning and NOT explicit statements

4 9 hts 1. Analyzing Evidence 2. Interpretation 3. Comparison
4. Periodization 5. CCOT 6. Causation 7. Synthesis 8. Contextualization 9. Argumentation

5 1. Analyzing evidence Evaluate relevant evidence from diverse sources (primary, secondary, et) Focus on POV and content Make supportable Inferences and Draw Conclusions ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

6 POV The purpose of the information you have. Clues that can help:
Tone (exp. angry or happy) Audience (exp. subjects/people or letter to a ruler) Occupation/involvement (exp. Participant or bystander)


8 Inferences Exps Sheldon Cooper: I took another look at the board, and I realized you were right. Raj Koothrappali: So you were wrong. Sheldon Cooper: I’m not saying that. Raj Koothrappali: That’s the only logical inference. Sheldon Cooper: I’m still not saying it. You see a sweaty person sitting in a chair with a towel, a water bottle and running shoes Must have been running Your friend went on a date and calls you crying. Date must have gone poorly

9 2. Interpretation WHY do historians think what they think?
How does that effect evaluations? How/why does historical interpretation change over time? ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT Will we think the same thing about Obama in the future? Or Donald Trump?

10 3. comparison Find Similarities AND Differences ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

11 4. Periodization How can history be organized? (Why organize it to begin with?) Evaluate turning points How do historians differ in their thinking? ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

12 5. CCOT Continuity and Change Over Time ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT Continuity
Something stays the same the entire time period Change What change and why? Can Something be a Continuity AND a Change? ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

13 CCOT How/why does music change? How/why do sports change? Clothing?

14 6. Causation Cause AND Effects ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

15 7. Synthesis 1. Combine Primary and Secondary sources
2. Understand the past 3. Apply insights to other times/places etc HARDEST OF THE HTS ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

16 8. Contextualization Connect specific events (etc) to broader events going on at the same time HOW do they effect each other? ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

17 9. Argumentation Explain HOW arguments have been constructed in history Interpret the evidence Form a PERSUASIVE historical argument ALWAYS EXPLAIN IT

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