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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.

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1 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
Place your homework on your desk. Read the following sentences. Then, answer the questions below. Death was near. The elephant walked through the jungle with fear in his heart. He thought his fate would be carried out tonight as the wild beasts circled him. What words or phrases in the sentences might be context clues that help you determine the meaning of “fate”? What do you think the word “fate” means?

2 Fate Something that happens to a person no matter what Term: Story:
 Fate Story: Picture Definition: Something that happens to a person no matter what Reminding Word:

3 Do you think our lives are determined by FATE, CHANCE, or CHOICE?
Fate: you think your life is “written before you are born” and there is nothing you can do to change it. Chance: you think everything is up to “luck” (good luck, bad luck, in-between luck). You feel like if something good happens to you it is just good luck and if something bad happens, it is just bad luck. Choice: you think you choose your “direction” in life. If something good happens to you, you think it is because you chose to do all of the right things for that good thing to happen to you. If something bad happens to you, you think you have yourself to blame because you made bad choices that led to it.

4 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet from the tan bin.
Place your homework on your desk. Answer the following question on your ¼ sheet: Do you think our lives are determined by FATE, CHANCE, or CHOICE? Fate: you think your life is “written before you are born” and there is nothing you can do to change it. Chance: you think everything is up to “luck” (good luck, bad luck, in-between luck). You feel like if something good happens to you it is just good luck and if something bad happens, it is just bad luck. Choice: you think you choose your “direction” in life. If something good happens to you, you think it is because you chose to do all of the right things for that good thing to happen to you. If something bad happens to you, you think you have yourself to blame because you made bad choices that led to it.

5 Find examples in the book of FATE, CHANCE AND CHOICE.
Write the examples on the back of your questions for the Socratic Seminar. Fate: you think your life is “written before you are born” and there is nothing you can do to change it. Chance: you think everything is up to “luck” (good luck, bad luck, in-between luck). You feel like if something good happens to you it is just good luck and if something bad happens, it is just bad luck. Choice: you think you choose your “direction” in life. If something good happens to you, you think it is because you chose to do all of the right things for that good thing to happen to you. If something bad happens to you, you think you have yourself to blame because you made bad choices that led to it.

6 Try to think of other examples from your life of FATE, CHANCE AND CHOICE.
Write the examples on the back of your questions for the Socratic Seminar. Fate: you think your life is “written before you are born” and there is nothing you can do to change it. Chance: you think everything is up to “luck” (good luck, bad luck, in-between luck). You feel like if something good happens to you it is just good luck and if something bad happens, it is just bad luck. Choice: you think you choose your “direction” in life. If something good happens to you, you think it is because you chose to do all of the right things for that good thing to happen to you. If something bad happens to you, you think you have yourself to blame because you made bad choices that led to it.

7 Agenda Objective: To review the meanings of vocabulary from Life and Death. To understand how to conduct Socratic Seminars and how to use the information they learn from it to write an essay. Essential Question: How were the lives of the two Wes Moores shaped by the decisions they made? What does this suggest about the impact our choices have on our adult lives? Warm-Up: Vocabulary Review Vocabulary: Vocabulary Review Whole Group: Socratic Seminar Essay Preparation Stations: We will just run the first station today. Students who finish the first station will complete their choice of another station. 1. Essay- Is an individual’s destiny determined by fate, chance, or choice? 2. Independent reading (fill out a “book” for books you have finished reading) 3. Technology: Achieve 3000 (College, Here We Come; Chicago School Sends Everyone to College, 100 Years of Happy, Keeping Kids in School, Slam Dunk Success ) 4. Teacher-led: Monitoring Station Work, answering questions and concerns; DAR test Closing: Vocabulary Review

8 Homework

9 Homework

10 Homework

11 Whole Group Discussion: Chapter 3
Book: Who is telling the story? What does the author want you to know? What did you notice about how the author told this story?

12 Whole Group Discussion: Chapter 3
Mind: What surprised you? What connections did you make? What images were most important to you? What lines created the surprise or connection?

13 Whole Group Discussion: Chapter 3
Heart: What did you discover about yourself? What matters most to you in this text or in your conversation? What did you take to heart?

14 2. On the Record- Book- Mind- Heart Strategy
Station Rotations: Technology: Achieve 3000 College, Here We Come; Chicago School Sends Everyone to College; 100 Years of Happy, Keeping Kids in School 2. On the Record- Book- Mind- Heart Strategy Life and Death: Part 1, Chapters 6 and 7 3. Independent reading- find a book Search quietly for a book to read independently here or at home. You may check the book out. Write name on list. Write your name on Post-It note. Place Post-It in book. Place book on shelf or take it with you. 4. Teacher-led: DAR test

15 Higher Order Questions (Chapters 6 and 7)
Wes Moore (college) states, “So little separates us from another life altogether.” What do you think he means by this? Use information from the text in your answer. Why do you think the Wes Moore in prison agreed to having the book written about him?

16 Pairs (pd 1) Josiah – Gavin Andreo- Ledio Amra- Shavon- Ashlyn
Dallas- Davin Noah- Nivan Malakhi- Ethan Siarra- Hanna Skylar- Andre

17 Pairs (Pd 2) Johnnie- Quinten Kylee-Bristol- Bill Shellise-Aubreonna- Mayana Christian G.- Clayton T. Anthony- Leo Christian T.- Pasko Bobby- Casey Cedric- Javaughn

18 Socratic Seminar and Writing Activity
Is an individual’s destiny determined by fate, chance, or choice? Fate: something that unavoidably befalls a person; fortune; lot Chance: luck or fortune Choice: an act or instance of choosing; selection Mid- Unit Assessment Write an essay in which you take a position on whether or not an individual’s destiny is determined by fate, chance, or choice. Use the information presented in the passages we have read in class to support your points.

19 Socratic Seminar and Writing Activity
At the end of each unit, the class will engage in a Socratic Seminar. The class will use the information they learn from the Socratic Seminar and write a written response. Day 1- students work individually and in groups to prepare for the seminar Day 2- conduct the Socratic Seminar Day 3- complete writing assignment (after completing the Socratic Seminar, you will answer the essential question, which will serve as a writing assessment).

20 Preparation for Socratic Seminar
Organize your Book-Mind-Heart and Higher Order Thinking Questions. Then, choose at least five of the following questions to answer for the notes you will use for the Socratic Seminar. Write the page number and/or paragraph number of any information that you will have to cite in the Socratic Seminar and writing portion of the activity. What are the texts mainly about? Why did the authors write each of the texts? If you were to put all texts together, what would be an appropriate title for them? Write the most important quote or information provided by each piece of text. What do these stories tell us about fate, chance or choice? How might this story of Wes Moore be negative for someone to hear? How might the story of Wes Moore be positive for someone to hear? How important was “family” in these texts? How does poverty affect fate, chance or choice? What questions do you have about the text? What is unclear to you?

21 Socratic Seminar Norms
Don’t raise hands but use sensitivity to take turns and not interrupt others Listen carefully Address one another respectfully (Yes, sir/ma’am. No, sir/ma’am. Refer to each other by last name (Mr. Jones, Ms. Smith). Use statements such as, “I understand what Mr. Jones is saying, but…”) Base any opinions on the text Address comments to the group (no side conversations) Wait for at least two other people to speak before you speak again Be courageous in presenting your own thoughts and reasoning, but be flexible and willing to change your mind in the face of new and compelling evidence If you are an observer, listen, understand, take notes, evaluate.

22 The Essential Question/ Writing Assessment
Write an essay in which you take a position on whether or not an individual’s destiny is determined by fate, chance, or choice. Use the information presented in the passages we have read in class to support your points. Directions: Write an essay of at least four paragraphs. The essay should include an introduction paragraph, two supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The two supporting paragraphs must include at least two quotes each (evidence) from the texts.

23 Socratic Seminar Beginning Point
What determines an individual’s destiny: fate, chance or choice?

24 Socratic Seminar Evaluation

25 Socratic Seminar Evaluation

26 Socratic Seminar Examples

27 Closing What was the most effective part of the Socratic Seminar process today?

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