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Presentation on theme: "Feudalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feudalism

2 Feudalism Think of a chess set

3 Need for protection Feudalism This was called a feudal contract
King Feudalism Organized system of government lords divided land to lesser lords (vassals) Vassals pledged service /loyalty to greater lord This was called a feudal contract Vassal (lesser lord)

4 Feudal Contract… Fief Estate granted to vassal Provided peasants
King divides land to lords… Fief Estate granted to vassal Provided peasants Vassal (in return) gives Lord protection Provide 40 days of military service a year, Lord’s Estate with Serfs

5 Feudalism Lords Lords Based on mutual obligation
Provide knights in times of war Fiefs – land grants Lords Lords Military protection Fiefs – land grants service protection Based on mutual obligation

6 Feudalism Manors Manor: the lord’s estate
Each manor had peasants, or serfs

7 Mutual Obligation Serfs could not be bought and sold, but they were not free Needed permission to: Leave the manor Marry Duties: Farmed, maintained roads, bridges, etc Pay dues to Lord

8 Mutual Obligation Peasants never traveled more than 25 miles from the manor Self-Sufficient community Produced everything

9 The Medieval Manor

10 What are the differences and similarities between a slave and a serf?
Page 222 slave serf

11 Feudalism..within RHS? Create a chart that would reflect the society within Romeo High School. Consider: Who offers protection to whom? Who is at the bottom? The top? What are their roles?

12 Knights: The Age of Chivalry
mounted Knights were most important Professional soldiers – main job was to serve in battle Rewarded with land Devoted lives to war

13 The Road to Knighthood KNIGHT SQUIRE PAGE

14 Knights: The Age of Chivalry
Chivalry –fight for three masters His feudal lord His Heavenly Lord His Lady Meant to protect weak and the poor loyal, brave, and courteous

15 The Age of Chivalry Tournaments mock battles recreation
combat training fierce and bloody competitions

16 Castles and Keeps Stone castles
Home to lord and lady, their family, knights soldiers, and servants A fortress of defense

17 Parts of a Medieval Castle

18 Castles and Keeps


20 Castles and Keeps


22 United Streaming “Rise of Feudalism” 4:47

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