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Professional Development August 22, 2017
WASC Overview Part I Chatsworth Charter High School Home of Scholars and Champions WASC PD Overview Part I Jesus 5min : Welcome (everyone on board) Explain learning outcomes (PP slide #1 Warm-up: What is WASC Accreditation? Please write 2-3 min. Share with elbow partner and out loud 5 min: Overview of last WASC visit, (ONLINE on CCHS website) and how it impacts today of WASC midpoint review and explore mission and vision statements (go Vahan) (WRITE DOWN ON BOTH SIDES, INSERT Mission and Vision Statement alogn with expected learning outcomes SLO’s) 5min: Mission and Vision 2-3min: T share old one 2-3min: T create new phrases (share out loud) (write on back some adjectives that stand out, that you would like to see at CCHS) Jesus 2-3min: In the future WASC outlook for all stakeholders (looking at how its going to play out for staff, students and parents) INFO on FOCUS Groups...
Meeting Norms Attention Signal
Presume positive intentions Respect what others are saying Be fully present Be mindful of airtime Keep the focus on students Attention Signal
Guiding Focus and Objective
The mid-review for the WASC (Last Visit: April 2015) Have all Stakeholders understand the process we will be taking this year.
Today Welcome What is WASC Accreditation? Overview of last WASC visit
WASC midpoint review Explore Mission and Vision statements Explore School Wide Learner Outcomes Future WASC outlook Today Welcome 1-5 What is WASC Accreditation? 6 Overview of last WASC visit 7-14 WASC midpoint review Explore mission and vision statements School Wide Learner Outcomes Future WASC outlook
What is WASC? Agency responsible for accreditation of schools
A meaningful Self-Evaluation Tool A Focus On Learning (FOL) Jesus 5 min
Overview of Last Time 2015 Academics - Teacher and Staff Only - WASC
The Team came - April 12-15th, 2015
Leadership Team Members- Everyone is a Stakeholder in this process.
Last Time Chapter 1: Student/Community Profile and Supporting Data and Finding Chapter 2: Progress Report Chapter 3: Student/Community Profile — Overall Summary from Analysis of Profile Data and Progress Chapter 4: Self-Study Findings A. Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources B. Standards-based Student Learning: Curriculum C. Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction D. Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability E. School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth Chapter 5: School-wide Action Plan SWAP From: Chatsworth Charter High School Self-Study Report
From the Visiting Team in 2015
“...Chatsworth Charter High School has made gains in meeting the WASC Committee recommendations from the last two visits, the full visit in and the midterm visit in 2012…” “ the charter writing committee to revise the school’s mission and vision as well as to update the Chatsworth Charter School Wide Learner Outcomes...”
“...The Visiting Committee concurs with the school's identified areas that are outlined in the school-wide action plan….”
Schoolwide Critical Areas for Follow-Up (We said...)
1. Narrow the achievement gap between ethnic subgroups. 2. Improve achievement in all subject areas as will be measured by state and district measures. 3. Increase the pass rates on AP exams and the overall success of students in the AP program.
In addition, the Visiting Committee has identified areas that need to be strengthened:
1. Professional development on the effective creation of CCSS aligned common collaborative formative assessments is needed. 2. Develop CCSS aligned common best practices and analyze assessment data to identify instructional program strengths and weaknesses as well as identify specific remediation needs. 3. There is a need for all staff to evaluate and assess the impact of instruction on student learning. 4. Professional development is needed to assist teachers to gather, analyze, and use assessment results to target instruction based on student needs. 5. Develop and implement a clear discipline matrix that is shared with all stakeholders.
WASC midpoint review
Year One: Profile update, progress report, refinement of schoolwide action plan Year Two: Profile update, progress report, refinement of schoolwide action plan Year Three: Profile update, mid-cycle progress report (potential one- or two-day review), refinement of schoolwide action plan Year Four: Profile update, progress report, refinement of schoolwide action plan Year Five: Review of all profile data, progress report, self-study process, refinement of schoolwide action plan Year Six: Completion of self-study, including refinement of schoolwide action plan; full self-study visit, including further revision of schoolwide action plan after the review of visiting committee report
Mid-cycle progress report
Year Three is Spring 2018 Profile update Mid-cycle progress report Refinement of schoolwide action plan (potential one- or two-day review)
Explore Mission and Vision statements, School Wide Learner Outcomes
Recall NW Vision Recognizing the diversity of learners whom we serve and the need to graduate students who possess the literacy, critical thinking, and technological skills necessary to be competitive in a 21st century global market, Local District Northwest has created a system-wide Pre K-12 instructional plan to enable all students to meet or exceed A-G requirements and graduate college and career ready.
Recall Social Emotional Learning
Growth Mindset Self Efficacy Social Awareness Self Management Recall Social Emotional Learning
Mission and Vision Chatsworth Charter High School will graduate students who are college prepared and career ready. All staff at Chatsworth Charter is committed to providing every student with the opportunity to reach his or her maximum educational potential in a clean, safe, respectful, and nurturing environment. Chatsworth Charter will foster an atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to share cultural backgrounds to promote growth, responsibility, and an appreciation of our diversity. Students will acquire the skills, confidence, and attitudes necessary to be lifelong learners and positive contributors in their communities.
School Wide Learner Outcomes
Effective Communicators Critical Thinkers Collaborative Workers Self-Directed Goal-Oriented Individuals Responsible Citizens School Wide Learner Outcomes FOCUS ON LEARNING 2015 Do we want to add or change?
Mission and Vision & School Wide Learner Outcomes
approx . 5min. Read Highlight statements of interest Write a few statements you would like to see added Share with your elbow buddy and then with the class
Future Before February we have: 10 PD 10 Advisory 3 ILT 5 Faculty
Date Type Other/After 8/22/17 PD Day Department 8/29/17 Advisory Day SLC 9/5/17 PD Day Faculty 9/12/17 Advisory Day Department 9/19/17 PD Day SLC 9/26/17 Advisory Day ILT members 10/3/17 PD Day Faculty 10/10/17 Advisory Day Department 10/17/17 PD Day SLC 10/24/17 Advisory Day ILT 10/31/17 PD Day Faculty 11/7/17 Advisory Day None 11/14/17 Advisory Day Department 11/28/17 PD Day SLC 12/5/17 Advisory Day Faculty 12/12/17 PD Day Department 1/9/18 PD Day Faculty 1/16/18 Advisory Day Department 1/23/18 PD Day SLC 1/30/18 Advisory Day ILT 2/6/18 PD Day Faculty 2/13/17 Advisory Day Department 2/20/17 PD Day SLC 2/27/18 Advisory Day ILT 3/6/18 PD Day Faculty 3/13/18 Advisory Day Department 3/20/18 PD Day SLC 4/3/18 Advisory Day Faculty 4/10/18 Advisory Day Department 4/17/18 Advisory Day SLC 4/24/18 Advisory Day ILT 5/1/18 Advisory Day Faculty 5/8/18 Advisory Day Department 5/15/18 Advisory Day SLC 5/22/18 Advisory Day ILT 5/29/18 Advisory Day Faculty 6/5/18 Advisory Day Department Before February we have: 10 PD 10 Advisory 3 ILT 5 Faculty 5 SLC 6 Department Among others: SSC, CCLC, ELAC, PTSA, BOOSTER... Jesus 2-3min chucking through the process
We need you to be apart of the Leadership Writing Team.
If interested please fill in the survey and turn it in before you leave. We need you to be apart of the Leadership Writing Team. Compensation for time Possible meetings will occur after school and on weekends(not many)
Thank you Any Questions?
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