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Type II The article addresses major failings of Reconstruction. Describe one of the issues and how efforts to address the issue failed during Reconstruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Type II The article addresses major failings of Reconstruction. Describe one of the issues and how efforts to address the issue failed during Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Type II The article addresses major failings of Reconstruction. Describe one of the issues and how efforts to address the issue failed during Reconstruction.

2 The Challenge of Reconstruction (1865-1877)

3 I. Two Fundamental Problems
How to deal with the defeated South How to protect the interests of former slaves (freedmen)

4 II. Key Questions How would the Confederate states be reintegrated into the Union? Who had primary responsibility in defining these conditions? The President or Congress?

5 III. President Johnson vs. Congress
Johnson sought a mild “restoration” policy A radical element of congress sought a more aggressive “reconstruction” policy Johnson was eventually impeached as a result of this conflict

6 Military Districts

7 Military Protection

8 Gains by African Americans

9 Opposition to Reconstruction

10 Opposition to Reconstruction II

11 IV. Republicans vs. Democrats
Ulysses S. Grant replaced Johnson after the election of 1868 White Southerners were gradually won back control of their states During Grant’s second term, the Democrats gained control of the House (1874)

12 Election of 1876

13 Compromise of 1877

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