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Name - WirelessHD August 2008

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1 Name - WirelessHD August 2008
doc.: IEEE /XXXr0 Sep 19, 2007 August 2008 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)‏ Submission Title: [Resolutions to Comments on BF support for AV-OFDM] Date Submitted: [18 August 2008] Source: [Su-Khiong Yong1, Pengfei Xia1, Huai-Rong Shao1, Chiu Ngo1, Jisung Oh1, Edwin Kwon1, Seongsoo Kim1, Junyi Wang2, Zhou Lan2, Chang woo Pyo2, Chin-Sean Sum2, Tuncer Baykas2, Azizur Rahman2, Ryuhei Funada2, Fumihide Kojima2, Hiroshi Harada2, Shuzo Kato2, Ismail Lakkis3] Company [Samsung Electronics1, NICT2, Tensorcom3] Address [416 Maetan-3Dong Yeongtong-Gu Suwon-shi Kyunggi-Do , Korea Hikari-no-oka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa , Japan2 10875 Rancho Bernardo Rd, #108, San Diego, CA 92127, USA3] Voice: [], FAX: [], Re: [Comment Resolutions related to Beamforming in DF00] Abstract: [To be considered in TG3C baseline document.] Purpose: [This document provides a list of the editing staff that will be working on c.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Name - WirelessHD

2 Resolution to Comments on Beamforming for AV-OFDM

3 Summary This document proposes the resolutions for comments 109, 112, 138, 147, 148, 235 and 433 which is related to BF support for AV-OFDM

4 Comments Comment 109: Section 13 - is it applicable to the AV PHY? This sentence indicates SC or HSI but does not mention AV PHY. Isn't the beam forming techniques of section 13 applicable to the AV PHY? If not then a paragraph should be added to section 13 to clearly indicate that. Of course, then the next technical comment would be how does the AV PHY do beam forming? Comment 148: Unique beamforming protocol is not defined. Define a unique beamforming protocol for all modes Comment 433: The beam forming protocol is not sufficiently general. A more general mechanism is needed to allow system designers greater flexibility. Redefine the beamforming protocol to allow other training mechanisms. 4

5 Comments (2) Comment 112: Beam Forming for the AV PHY. It appears the techniques of section 13 are not applicable to the AV PHY, so how does the AV PHY do beam forming and antenna training? AV PHY beam forming and antenna training text needs to be added to the document. Comment 138: Beam forming protocol is defined for the SC and HSI-OFDM PHY only. What is the beamforming protocol for the AV PHY? Define beamforming protocol for the AV PHY Comment 147: Beam Forming is somewhat defined for the SC and HSI-OFDM PHY only. What is the beamforming protocol for the AV PHY? Define beamforming protocol for the AV PHY Comment 235: Beam Forming for the AV PHY. AV PHY beam forming and antenna training text needs to be added to the document.

6 Resolutions All the comments can be resolved by the following changes.
The following sentence in pp. 167, line 18 “The ST sequence shall be identical to the long preamble, which consists of a long SYNC followed by a long CES.” is modified as follows: “For SC and HSI OFDM, the The ST sequence shall be identical to the long preamble, which consists of a long SYNC followed by a long CES. For AV OFDM, the ST sequence shall be identical to the HRP preamble.”

7 Resolutions (cont’d) In pp. 167 add the following sentence
“For AV OFDM, feedback IE is sent from both DEV1 and DEV2 shall be transmitted using LRP mode.” after the sentence in the line 47. The following sentence in pp. 168, in line 1-2, “Mapping IE, as defined in : the number of DEV1 transmit and receive beams and the SYNC mode (short or long SYNC) to be used in the beam level training” is modified as follows: “Mapping IE, as defined in : For SC and HSI-OFDM, these are the number of DEV1 transmit and receive beams and the SYNC mode (short or long SYNC) to be used in the beam level training. For AV-OFDM, these are the number of DEV1 transmit and receive beams and the HRP preamble.”

8 Resolutions (cont’d) Figure 220, pp. 168, delete the “long SYNC” and “long CES” as shown in next slide. Add a note to the title of Figure 220 “AAS sector level training” as follows: “AAS sector level training. Note: for AV- OFDM with LRP omni feedback, only one repetition is required for the DEV1 to DEV2 feedback repetitions block.”


10 Resolutions (cont’d) Add the following sentence to the end of the sentence in pp. 169, line 32 as follows: “The ST sequence shall be identical to the long preamble for SC and HSI OFDM. The ST sequence shall be identical to the HRP preamble for AV OFDM” Add the following sentence to the end of the sentence in pp. 169, line 44 as follows: “Following the sector training, DEV2 shall transmit its sector feedback in a Feedback IE by sending an Announce command with Imp-ACK requested in the case of SC and HSI OFDM. For AV OFDM, feedback IE sent from DEV2 shall be transmitted using LRP mode.”

11 Resolutions (cont’d) The following sentence in pp. 170, in line 3-4
“Mapping IE: number of DEV1 beams and the SYNC mode to be used in the beam level training. This IE is always present.” is modified as “Mapping IE: For SC and HSI OFDM, these are the number of DEV1 beams and the SYNC mode to be used in the beam level training. For AV OFDM, these are the number of DEV1 beams and HRP preamble.

12 Resolutions (cont’d) Figure 222, pp. 170, delete the “long SYNC” and “long CES” as shown in the next slide. Add a note to the title of Figure 222 “SAS sector level training” as follows: “SAS sector level training. Note: for AV- OFDM with LRP omni feedback, only one repetition is required for the DEV2 to DEV1 feedback repetitions block.”


14 Resolutions (cont’d) The following sentence in pp. 171, line 45
“The BT sequence shall be transmitted in the mode (preamble type) agreed upon during the sector mapping stage of the sector level training” is modified as “For SC and HSI OFDM, the BT sequence shall be transmitted in the mode (preamble type) agreed upon during the sector mapping stage of the sector level training. For AV-OFDM, the BT sequence shall be the HRP preamble.”

15 Resolutions (cont’d) Add the following sentence to the end of the sentence on pp. 172, line 25 as follows: “For AV OFDM, the beam feedback sent from both DEV1 and DEV2 shall be transmitted using LRP mode.” The following sentence in pp. 172, line 39 “Mapping IE, as defined in : number of DEV1 transmit and receive HRS beams and the SYNC mode to be used in the HRS beam tracking phase.” is modified as “Mapping IE, as defined in : For SC and HSI OFDM, these are the number of DEV1 transmit and receive HRS beams and the SYNC mode to be used in the HRS beam tracking phase.”. For AV OFDM, these are the number of DEV1 transmit and receive HRS beams and the HRP preamble.

16 Resolutions (cont’d) Figure 224, pp. 173, delete the “long SYNC” and “long CES” as shown in the next slide Add a note to the title of Figure 224 “AAS beam level training” as follows: “AAS sector level training. Note: for AV- OFDM with LRP omni feedback, only one repetition is required for the DEV1 to DEV2 feedback repetitions block.”


18 Resolutions (cont’d) The following sentence pp. 173, line 49-50.
“The BT sequence shall be transmitted in the mode agreed upon during the sector mapping stage of the sector level training” is modified as “For SC and HSI OFDM, the The BT sequence shall be transmitted in the mode agreed upon during the sector mapping stage of the sector level training. For AV OFDM, the BT sequence shall be the HRP preamble.”

19 Resolutions (cont’d) The following sentence in pp. 175, line 1-2 “Mapping IE: number of DEV1 HRS beams and the SYNC mode to be used in the HRS beam tracking phase. This IE is present if both DEVs support tracking.” is modified as “Mapping IE: For SC and HSI OFDM, these are the number of DEV1 HRS beams and the SYNC mode to be used in the HRS beam tracking phase. For AV OFDM, these are the DEV1 HRS beams and the HRP preamble. This IE is present if both DEVs support tracking.”

20 Resolutions (cont’d) Figure 226, pp. 175, delete the “long CES” and “SYNC_{beam_mode}” as shown in the Figure in the next slide


22 Resolutions (cont’d) Figure 228, pp. 177, delete the “short CES” and “SYNC_{HR_mode}” as shown in the Figure in the next slide


24 Resolutions (cont’d) Figure 229, pp. 177, delete the “short CES” and “SYNC_{HR_mode}” as shown in the Figure in the next slide


26 Resolutions (cont’d) Figure 229, pp. 177, Delete “J(1,t) repetitions.” as shown in the Figure in the next slide

27 Resolutions (cont’d)

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