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WISE achievements and expectations

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1 WISE achievements and expectations 2011-2015
WG D Brussels October 2010 Jorge Rodriguez Romero WFD Team DG Environment, European Commission

2 A bit of history 2003: concept paper agreed with Water Directors
2004: WISE Steering Group formed 2005: agreement on EU data centers 2005: WISE implementation plan endorsed Establishing priorities, resources and calendar Building a joint commitment 2007: launching of WISE at the 1st European Water Conference 2009: full integration of reporting of all water Directives in WISE (except drinking water, partial) 2010: WFD river basin management plan reporting and update of the WISE implementation plan

3 What for? “Report once, use many” The water pillar of SEIS WISE is
Implementing the water related component of INSPIRE at EU level - and promoting INSPIRE at MS level A formal compliance reporting tool – no more papers! A shared information system of water-related information at EU level – one stop shop for all water related information A platform for cooperation – between DGs and institutions and also with Member States A harmonised and streamlined system for water data

4 Keys for success Member States contribution
data and expertise WISE as a driver to develop the national information systems Joint effort with EEA, JRC and ESTAT Sustained effort and commitment of all partners – long term project

5 Achievements Reporting under all water directives and SOE integrated into WISE (except drinking water, partially) WISE is a well known “brand”, reference for European information on water, supported by Member States and stakeholders A number of tools, regularly updated: A common entry portal Web pages WISE viewer Eye-on-Earth …and significantly stimulating the development of national information systems

6 And where are we going? New WISE Implementation Plan 2011-2015 (i)
Support for the Blueprint for Safeguarding Europe’s waters 2012 The Blueprint will include: Assessment of river basin management plans Review of the Strategy for Water Scarcity and Droughts Review of the vulnerability of water and environmental resources to climate impacts and man-made pressures. It will examine: The balance between water demand and the supply of clean water, taking into account the needs of both human activities and of natural ecosystems. The effectiveness of current policies, and the need for further policies or measures necessary to strengthen the resilience of EU water policy How this new ambition level should be supported by data collection, scientific and technological development.

7 And where are we going? New WISE Implementation Plan 2011-2015 (ii)
Focus of on the input side → needs to focus on the output and on analysis Develop the water quantity component (WSD and floods) Develop the climate vulnerability component Expand WISE with information on important drivers including e.g. use of water by different sectors, etc Extend WISE to use other data and information than that reported by MS: results of modelling studies, projects, assessments done by EU institutions, etc. This may involve other types of web communication tools in addition to what is currently used

8 And where are we going? New WISE Implementation Plan 2011-2015 (iii)
Involving more partners (GMES, RTD) Cooperation with other sectors (BISE, CC-CHM) Cooperation with other institutions (river and marine conventions) Further streamlining and simplification (no double reporting!) INSPIRE based WISE – decentralisation Development and consolidation of new reporting streams (Floods, Marine) Making WISE more useful for everybody…

9 WISE Implementation Plan next steps
A final draft is being prepared It will be distributed to WGD for information Approval foreseen end of 2010 by DG ENV, EEA, JRC and Eurostat (Go4)

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