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Topic 1 Atomic Structure and The Periodic Table

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1 Topic 1 Atomic Structure and The Periodic Table
Label each part of the atom. What is an isotope? Describe the similarities and differences between the atoms above. Describe the different separation methods: Filtration – Crystallisation – Distillation – Fractional Distillation – Paper chromatography – Symbol Mass Protons Electrons Neutrons K Cl O C B Topic 1 Atomic Structure and The Periodic Table Describe what an element is and draw a diagram showing the atoms. Describe what a mixture is and draw a diagram showing the atoms. Describe what a compound is and draw a diagram showing the atoms. Balance these equations: …Mg + O MgO H2 + Cl ….HCl ….K Br …..KBr …..H O ……H2O Hydrogen + Oxygen Water What are the reactants in the above equation? What are the products? In a reaction, what is important about the mass of reactants and products? What is the relationship between the number of atoms of reactants and products? Describe what the ‘Law of conservation of mass’ means. Recall the charges and masses of each particle in an atom. What is the charge overall of nuclei? Where is all of the mass in an atom? Explain your answer. Create a list of metals and non-metals. Particle Mass Charge Proton Electron Neutron

2 Describe the history of the atom:
Early ideas – Evidence for electrons – Evidence for the nucleus – Describe why the evidence from the Geiger and Marsden experiment; Was unexpected Supported the atomic model Describe the development of the periodic table: Dalton – Newlands – Mendeleev – Describe the different separation methods: Filtration – Crystallisation – Distillation – Fractional Distillation – Paper chromatography – Symbol Name of element Mass Protons Electrons Neutrons K Cl O C B Group 7: What is another name for this group? Describe their reactions with hydrogen. Describe what a displacement reaction is. Write word equations for the reactions of fluorine with; Potassium bromide Potassium chloride Potassium iodide. Describe the melting and boiling points of this group. Describe the reactivity trend of group 7. Explain why this is the trend. List the properties of group 1 Group 1: What is another name for this group? Describe their reactions with oxygen and name the product formed when sodium reacts with oxygen. Describe their reactions with water and name the two products formed when sodium reacts with water. Write word equations for the reactions of lithium with; Oxygen Water Chlorine Describe the melting and boiling points of this group. Describe the reactivity trend of group 1. Explain why this is the trend. List the properties of group 1 Complete the electronic configurations of the following elements: O C Mg (CHEMISTRY ONLY) Transition elements: State the physical properties – State the chemical properties – Examples of coloured compounds – Cu can form ions with a 1+ or 2+ charge, write down the possible formulas when it bonds with O2-

3 Topic 2 Bonding, Structure and Properties
IONIC COMPOUNDS What type of force holds the ions together? Draw a giant ionic lattice: Why do ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points? Why can ionic compounds conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water? SIMPLE COVALENT MOLECULES How strong are the forces between covalent molecules? [intermolecular forces] How does this affect their melting and boiling point How strong are the forces between atoms in a covalent bond? [intramolecular bonds] Topic 2 Bonding, Structure and Properties GIANT STRUCTURES Describe and explain the bonding and properties of these: Graphite- Diamond – Silica Dioxide – Buckminster Fullerenes – Ionic Compound Ratio of ions in compound Formula of compound Sodium chloride Na+ : Cl- 1 : 1 Magnesium oxide MgO Ca2+: Cl- 1 : 2 CaCl2 GIANT METALLIC SUBSTANCES Why can metals be bent and shaped? What are delocalised electrons? Why do metals conduct electricity? Why are alloys stronger than pure metals? Draw a diagram of a metallic crystal. (CHEMISTRY ONLY) NANOPARTICLES What is nanoscience? What size are nanoparticles? List the uses of nanoparticles. What are the hopes of their uses in the future? List the risks of using nanoparticles. Name of ion Formula of ion Example of compound hydroxide Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 NO3- Mg(NO3)2 CO32- Sodium carbonate Suphate CaSO4

4 Topic 3 Quantitative Chemistry
Write how many there are in: Na11 Electrons: Protons: Neutrons: What is an isotope? What is Ar? What is Mr? What is the Mr of C2H5OH? What is a mole? Balance the equation and say how many moles of each substance there are: H O H2O (HIGHER) Equations and Calculations H Cl HCl Balance the equation above. List the reactants and products. Work out the masses of the reactants and products. 2NaOH + Cl NaOCl + NaCl + H2O If you have 100g of NaOH, how much chlorine gas do you need to convert it to bleach? Concentrations What is the equation used for working out the concentration of a solution? 50g of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in water to produce 200cm3 of solution. What is the concentration in g/dm3? Describe 2 ways the concentration of an aqueous solution can be increased. Describe how the appearance of a solution might change with a decreasing concentration. 23 (CHEMISTRY ONLY)What is percentage yield and what is the equation to calculate it? What is atom economy and what is the equation to calculate it? Calculate the percentage yield of calcium carbonate when 200tonnes of limestone is used and 98tonnes of carbon dioxide is produced: Topic 3 Quantitative Chemistry (CHEMISTRY ONLY) Titrations Describe why we do titrations? What chemicals would we use? Write a step-by-step method for carrying out a titration. . What mass of K2SO4 is there in 25dm3 of solution? (CHEMISTRY ONLY) Volume of gases What is the equation for working out the number of moles of gas? What volume would 70g of N2 gas take up? What mass of gas NaN3 would be needed to produce 48dm3 of nitrogen gas at room temperature and pressure? Formula Number of elements Number of atoms Mr O2 H2O Cu(SO)4 2H2SO4

5 Topic 4 Chemical Changes
The Reactivity Series: Name the two most reactive metals. Name the two least reactive metals and recall their uses. Why are they called pure metals? What are ores? Compare the reaction of magnesium with acid with that of tin with acid. What is a displacement reaction? Using the reactivity series to support, complete these displacement reactions: Zinc + Copper oxide Gold + Iron sulphate Lithium + Magnesium chloride Calcium + Iron oxide Describe the term oxidation. Describe the term reduction. What are the two chemicals metal oxides can be reduced with? . How are metals above carbon extracted? How are metals below carbon extracted? Making salts Complete the word equations and add a symbol equation example. Metal and Acid Metal carbonate and acid Acid and Base Acid and alkali Compare the terms base and alkali. What ions do acids and alkalis release in solution? Describe how water is formed in a neutralisation reaction. What is meant by the term ‘insoluble base’ and give an example of one. Describe each method for measuring the pH of different substances Litmus – Universal indicator – pH paper – pH probe – List some examples of strong and weak acids. Strong acids completely ionise in solution, what does this mean? Compare the relationships between the concentration of acid with the pH value. Electrolysis Label the diagram: electrolyte, positive electrode, battery, wires, negative electrode, positive ions, negative ions. What is the charge of the anode? What is the charge of the cathode? Why does the electrolyte have to be molten or in solution? Why do certain ions go to each electrode? Describe the electrolysis of lead bromide. Topic 4 Chemical Changes How is electrolysis used to extract aluminium? Why is Cryolite added? Describe how to make copper sulphate, include every piece of equipment you use and diagrams to support. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why do we electrolyse brine? What are the products at each electrode? Positive – Negative – Solution – What are the uses of the products? What are the half equations?

6 Topic 5 Energy Changes Exothermic reactions:
Describe what an exothermic reaction is. List some examples of exothermic reactions. Complete the reaction profile for an exothermic reaction. Label the reactants, products and activation energy, label each axis. Endothermic reactions: Describe what an exothermic reaction is. List some examples of exothermic reactions. Complete the reaction profile for an exothermic reaction. Label the reactants, products and activation energy, label each axis. (HIGHER) Bond Energy Calculations Describe, in terms of making and breaking bonds, how exothermic and endothermic reactions take place. Remember: Bend Mex Exothermic – Endothermic – C + 2H CH4 Work out the overall energy change for the forward reaction using the bond energies data. Determine whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. (CHEMISTRY ONLY) Chemical Cells and Batteries Describe how an electrical cell works Describe how a dry cell works Topic 5 Energy Changes (CHEMISTRY ONLY) Fuel Cells Describe how hydrogen can be used as a fuel. Write an equation for the reaction that occurs when hydrogen is used as a fuel. List the advantages of using hydrogen as a fuel. List the disadvantages of using hydrogen as a fuel. Activation Energy: Describe what is meant by the term activation energy. What happens if particles collide with an amount of energy less than the activation energy? Why is the activation energy so important to a reaction? Suggest a way to lower the activation energy of a reaction. Cold Packs Does this use an exothermic or endothermic reaction? What chemicals are often used? What are these packs used for? Hand warmers Exothermic or endothermic? What chemicals are often used? How are they reusable? What are these used for?

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