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A theory of Justification

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Presentation on theme: "A theory of Justification"— Presentation transcript:

1 A theory of Justification
Coherentism A theory of Justification

2 All beliefs are symmetrical, belongs to the same category.
No Basic belief ( Bb)

3 epistemic neighborhood.
Doxastic Coherentism Every justified belief receives its justification from other beliefs in its epistemic neighborhood.

4 Which beliefs might make up the set of justification-conferring neighborhood beliefs?

5 Inference to the best explanation (IBE) Explanatory Coherence
My having (E) is best explained by assuming that (H) is true.

6 Reliability Coherence
Experiences like (E) the hat looks blue to me are (usually) reliable

7 Explanatory Coherence and Reliability Coherence – both face the
Circularity Problem

8 Dependence Coherentism
One’s justification for believing P1 depends on justification one has for believing some further propositions P2, P3, P4, … Pn

9 but solely by suitable perceptual experiences and memory contents.
Dependence Coherentism allows the possibility that a belief is justified, not by receiving any of its justification from other beliefs, but solely by suitable perceptual experiences and memory contents.

10 Compromise position: Founda-coherentism
Doxastic Basicality – OK Epistemic Basicality – Not OK Doxastic Coherentism - Not OK Dependence Coherentism - OK

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