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Welcome to Parent Orientation 
​2017-2018 1st Grade Mrs. Collins' Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Orientation 
​2017-2018 1st Grade Mrs. Collins' Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Orientation 
​ 1st Grade Mrs. Collins' Class

2 Daily & Wednesday Folders
The daily folder includes your student's behavior calendar, 9 weeks spelling list and first grade sight words. Please return the Daily Folder each day. Please place any notes or lunch money in your child's Daily Folder. Graded work and school wide notes will be sent home in the Wednesday folder. Please return it empty on Thursdays.

3 Daily Behavior Calendar
Please check and initial the behavior calendar if your child receives a mark. Marks on behavior calendar will determine conduct grades for report cards. An empty box means a Great Day! Numbers noted on the calendar indicate areas to discuss with your child. Thank you for your help in encouraging positive behavior at Wildwood!

4 Conduct Grades Conduct grades are determined by the number of marks on a student's behavior calendar. E (0-4 marks) = Consistently demonstrates appropriate behavior. S (5-7 marks) = Usually demonstrates appropriate behavior. N (8-10 marks) = Intermittently demonstrates appropriate behavior. U (11+ marks) = Seldom demonstrates appropriate behavior.

5 Homework First Grade Homework consists of reading for minutes each night and practicing spelling words. Math pages or reviews will be sent home as needed.

6 Spelling Tests Spelling tests include list words, sight words and mystery words that follow the spelling pattern for the week. Mystery Words are words that follow the same spelling pattern and assess if students are able to apply that sound we've worked on to new words We also include a dictated sentence to practice and guide our instruction if students are able to apply spelling list words and sight words.

7 Reading Expectations 1st 9 Weeks 3rd 9 weeks 4th 9 weeks D G I

8 Reading Expectations Grade Level
August-Beginning of School (Beginning of Year) (No Grade Taken) Mid October End of 1st 9 weeks Mid December (Mid-Year) End of 2nd 9 weeks March End of 3rd 9 weeks End of May End of 4th 9 weeks (End of Year) Grade Assignment 1st Grade EE=D or above ME=C AE=B BE=A or below EE=F or above ME= D/E AE=C BE=B or Below EE=G or above ME=F AE=E BE=C/D or below EE=H/I or above ME=G AE=F BE=E or below EE=J or above ME=I AE=H BE=G or below *EE Exceeds Expectations=100 *ME Meets Expectations=90 *AE Approaches Expectations=75 *BE Below Expectations=60

9 Mathematics Counting, Place Value to the hundreds place, Addition and Subtraction to 20, Money, Geometry and Fractions, Measurement and Data

10 Accessing Student Grades
Parents may go to the TISD website click Parents and then Gradebook Home Access. You will be prompted to enter login and password.

11 Sight Words Sight words are words known instantly or "on sight". No sounding out or pausing to think. We are working on 1st grade sight words during our reading and writing lessons and also sight words are on spelling tests. Practice 5-7 words at a time. When they are mastered choose 5-7 more. Revisit the old words to be sure they are still memorized. Sight words will be assessed at the end of each nine weeks for a daily grade in Reading.

12 Transportation Students may enter the school at 8:10 am and the tardy bell rings at 8:40 am. Dismissal is at 3:50 pm. Please send a written note or fax the office by 3:00 pm for any changes in transportation.

13 Lunch Please help your child learn their lunch code. Lunch codes are used to purchase lunches, snacks, or extra items. Payments for lunch can be made online or by sending cash or check sent to school with your child's name and the amount. You are welcome to join your student for lunch. If you can let me know ahead of time I will make sure they don't purchase a school lunch.

14 We will have a quick snack time each afternoon.
Snacks We will have a quick snack time each afternoon. If you would like your child to have a snack please send a snack that is not messy to eat and doesn't require a spoon. (Ex. pretzels, crackers, granola bar, fruit snack) Your child may bring a water bottle to school with a sport cap. Please label with your child's name.

15 Birthdays Birthdays can be celebrated at school during lunch time with store bought cupcakes. Party invitations can be handed out at school if the whole class is invited or if it is a sleepover if all girls or all the boys in class are invited. Thank you for helping us make sure no student feels excluded. You may find contact info for other students via

16 Absences Please send a written note for the office within 2 days of your child's absence. If you know ahead of time that your child will be leaving early, arriving late or be absent please me to let me know.

17 Communication Please contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns. I do my best to check my first thing in the morning, at planning time (12:40) and at the end of the day, but will often have meetings that may prevent me from responding immediately. x5446 My conference time is 12:40-1:40. Please make sure to subscribe to my Edlio Teacher Website for important class news and our Remind101 text notifications for any very important information.

18 Conferences Be on the lookout for an from me to schedule our Parent Teacher Conference for October. Time slots will be available in the afternoon and early evening. At our conference, we will discuss your student's academic progress, expectations and behavior. If you have any specific questions, please send them to me ahead of time so that I can prepare to share any answers at our meeting.

19 (Under my photo) Subscribe
Remind101 Text: 81010 Class Website (Under my photo) Subscribe

20 Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for coming!


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​2017-2018 1st Grade Mrs. Collins' Class."

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