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Early American Funeral Undertaking

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1 Early American Funeral Undertaking

2 Tradesman Undertakers
Colonial period: undertaking combined with cabinetmaking lack of regulation regarding funerals 1799 Baltimore: funeral undertakers appointed as coroners War of 1812: western expansion cabinet-making undertakers added services

3 Readings Question #1 Who was the “furnishing undertaker”? What type of services did he offer? What influence did he have on the funeral service profession?

4 Performers of Personal Service
nurse, nurse-governess, midwives nurses also practiced healing arts end of the 18th century: “layers out of the dead” 19th century: women less prominent role in the “business” of undertaking expanded services and wide range of tasks tradesmen, craftsmen, male functionaries

5 Religious Functionaries
up until the 19th century: churchyard and church cemetery main mode of “sepulture” role of the clergy was important church sexton extended his mortuary functions (early 19th century)

6 Readings Question #2 Municipal Officers
Describe the evolution of the sexton to the sexton-undertaker in 19th century America. Municipal Officers “inviter to funerals”

7 Readings Question #3 What were the duties of the “inviter to funerals”?

8 Readings Question #4 Who were the Early American funeral undertakers? What were their duties?

9 Readings Question #5 Why is the first half of the 29th century crucially important in the evolution of the modern funeral director?

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