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Presentation on theme: "5 VOCABULARY GAMES START."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prepare your paper ( 1 per team )
Game 1 A) B) C) next

3 Game 1 : look at the following items for 1 minute

4 next

5 A. You have 2 minutes to write as many items you remember starting with the letter P

6 B. You have 2 minutes to write as many items you remember starting with the letter T

7 C. You have 15 seconds to write down 4 items which could fly

8 END OF GAME 1 next

9 Do you want to check the answers
yes no

10 Game 2 START

11 next Prepare your paper
2. Game 2 List 1) List 2) List 3) List 4) List 5) next

12 Game 2 : look at each list of words write down the odd one out 15 seconds !

13 List 1 Kitchen Attic Bedroom Classroom Bathroom Living room Garage

14 List 2 kitten bird mouse bear pear eagle zebra

15 List 3 bike bus train desk plane tractor van

16 List 4 telephone chair desk stool sofa bed cupboard

17 List 5 coat skirt cushion shirt trousers scarf shorts

18 END OF GAME 2 next

19 Do you want to check the answers
yes no

20 Game 3 START

21 next Prepare your paper
3. Game … next

22 Game 3 : Use the letters of the following word to find as many new words as you can ( you can repeat the letters ! ) 5 minutes ! next

23 improbable

24 END OF GAME 3 next

25 Do you want to check the answers
yes no

26 Game 4 START

27 next Prepare your paper
4. Game 4 Word 1) Word 2) Word 3) Word 4) Word 5) next

28 Game 4 : Unscramble the letters to find the real word Example : KOBO = Book 1 minute !

29 Word 1 C A N I M A R E

30 Word 2 R I C A R A M H

31 Word 3 M O B O R E D

32 Word 4 T R O A C

33 Word 5 P A V E R I M

34 END OF GAME 4 next

35 Do you want to check the answers
yes no

36 Game 5 START

37 next Prepare your paper 5. Game 5 - - - - - - - -
Category 1 ? Category 2 ? Category 3 ? Category 4 ? next

38 Game 5 : Group the words in 4 categories 3 minutes !

39 next what artist go study nice short difficult why who fireman close
old play happy nurse pilot where teacher when read next

40 END OF GAME 5 next

41 Do you want to check the answers
yes no

42 8 words 8 words 4 words 20 points Pig Pencil Piano Pie Plane Plate
Pipe Purse Taxi Tower Table Toothbrush Thermometer Tissues Tractor Trumpet ( tail, time, tobacco ) Plane Bird Ghost Witch 20 points

43 List 1 : Classroom List 2 : Pear List 3 : Desk List 4 : Telephone
List 5 : Cushion 5 points

44 The team with more words gets…
10 points Check some of the words


46 8 points VERBS WH-WORDS JOBS Play Go Close Read Study Why What Where
When who JOBS Nurse Pilot Fireman Teacher Artist ADJECTIVES Happy Short Old Nice Difficult 8 points

47 Some of the words … Point Per word Probable Propeller Proper Roller
Apple Paper Marble Maple Mobile Problem Rope Beer Mom Label Mile Mall Lamp Palm Pear Mirror Roll Role Bear Poor Lime More Pool Room Pipe Me Am Rip Bar Air Lie Pie Rob Are Ear All Mime Broom Boil Bill Mail Robber Real Ball Bell Be …

48 The end


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