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Expectations for consultations and antibiotics for respiratory tract infection in primary care: the RTI clinical iceberg by Cliodna AM McNulty, Tom Nichols,

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations for consultations and antibiotics for respiratory tract infection in primary care: the RTI clinical iceberg by Cliodna AM McNulty, Tom Nichols,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Expectations for consultations and antibiotics for respiratory tract infection in primary care: the RTI clinical iceberg by Cliodna AM McNulty, Tom Nichols, David P French, Puja Joshi, and Chris C Butler BJGP Volume 63(612):e429-e436 July 1, 2013 ©2013 by British Journal of General Practice

2 The RTI patient journey: actions of responders with respiratory tract infection in the past 6 months, why they visited the GP and expectations of this visit, and beliefs about antibiotics of all participants that may influence these expectations. The RTI patient journey: actions of responders with respiratory tract infection in the past 6 months, why they visited the GP and expectations of this visit, and beliefs about antibiotics of all participants that may influence these expectations. Cliodna AM McNulty et al. Br J Gen Pract 2013;63:e429-e436 ©2013 by British Journal of General Practice

3 The ’clinical iceberg’ in RTI.
Cliodna AM McNulty et al. Br J Gen Pract 2013;63:e429-e436 ©2013 by British Journal of General Practice

4 The patient antibiotic story.
The patient antibiotic story. Reported actions of all 1767 responders in the past year. Cliodna AM McNulty et al. Br J Gen Pract 2013;63:e429-e436 ©2013 by British Journal of General Practice

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