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Faculty Workshop Series: Preparing (for) an NSF CAREER

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1 Faculty Workshop Series: Preparing (for) an NSF CAREER
How to Succeed: A discussion with NSF CAREER recipients April 26, 2018

2 Faculty Workshop Series: Preparing (for) an NSF CAREER
   May 10, 2018: Responding to Reviews (Rescheduled from March 13) 909 Renaissance Park, 11:30 – 1 pm Join us for a workshop on grant resubmission for success, where we organize and analyze grant reviews. We’ll discuss techniques for triangulating the feedback from multiple reviewers to establish weak points and strong points by charting reviewer comments, improving resubmission responsiveness and success. Faculty are urged to bring grant reviews they have received, particularly difficult reviews where reviewers have disagreed. This session will be most useful if you have received feedback on a grant and want to resubmit. We’ll focus on discussing NSF grants as an example, although faculty working on other grants that have received peer-review feedback (including NIH, NEH, DOD, etc) are also welcome. Lunch will be served. RSVP: May 16, 2018: Resources and Strategies for NSF Broader Impacts and Educational Design for Impact Broader Impacts matter: Join a panel of CAREER awardees in discussing the strategies and resources they used to design well integrated broader impact components for NSF merit review — and explore existing NU programs and resources that are available to assist you with addressing this critical component of your proposal, including the Center for STEM Education, the Research Institute for Experiential Learning (RIELS), and the Center for Advancing Teaching & Learning Through Research (CATLR). Lunch will be served. RSVP: June 13, 2018: Writing a NSF CAREER Summary: An Interactive Workshop for Writing a NSF CAREER Summary 909 Renaissance Park, 11:30 am – 1 pm Learn how to respond to the NSF merit criteria in each section of the summary. Workshop your draft summary with your peers in a small group setting. Lunch will be served. RSVP:

3 FY18 NSF CAREER Proposal Deadlines
July 18, 2018: BIO, CISE, HER July 19, 2018: ENG July 20, 2018: GEO, MPS, SBE

4 Our Panelists: Seth Cooper, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
CAREER Award (CISE:IIS 2017): “Continual Automated Refinement of Human Computation Systems” Research Focus: Scientific discovery games, serious games, crowdsourcing games, citizen science, novel interfaces for problem solving, automated tools for assisting game design and development, and computational structural biochemistry. Jose Martinez Lorenzo, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering CAREER Award (ENG:ECCS 2017): “4D mm-Wave Compressive Sensing and Imaging at One Thousand Volumetric Frames per Second” Research Focus: Devices, circuits and sensing; antenna analysis, modeling, design, and optimization; subsurface scattering analysis; computational methods of electromagnetics; novel radar system specification and design; explosives detection. Marilyn Minus, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering CAREER Award (ENG:CMMI 2014): “Understanding Directionally Templated Interphase Processing-Structure Development and Relationships in Polymer Nano-Composite Materials” Research Focus: Process-structure-properties relationships in polymer-based nano-composites fibers; polymer/nano-carbon interfacial interactions and interphase formations; lightweight composite materials; carbon-carbon composites Dori Woods, Assistant Professor, Biology CAREER Award (BIO:MCB 2018): “Regulation of mitochondrial integrity and mitophagy between distinct mitochondrial subpopulations” Research Focus: Aging, Mitochondria, regenerative medicine, Reproductive biology, stem cell biology

5 Resources: RFP:
NSF Q&A: CAREER Contacts: NSF CAREER Program Webinar (May 15):

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