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Overview Comments, announcements, questions?

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Presentation on theme: "Overview Comments, announcements, questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview Comments, announcements, questions?
Overview of Part 3 of our course Look at Michigan content standards & various curriculum materials Introduction to Project #2 Assignments and wrap up

2 Part 3 of Our Course Learning to design, teach, and improve lessons
Attending actively to equity

3 Focus for Learning to Teach
Designing lessons lesson structure using/revising textbook lessons choosing/enacting mathematical tasks Types of lessons Assessing students’ learning Remediating Extending Out-of-school assignments

4 How do you know what you are supposed to teach?

5 Looking at the MI Standards
What stands out or surprises you? What is confusing or could use further clarification? What would you like to know more about?

6 Looking at Teacher’s Guides
What’s in a teacher’s guide? What does a benchmark look like at a particular grade level?

7 What’s in a Teacher’s Guide?
What are the main components? How are they structured? What features do the various guides have in common? What features are unique or different? What kinds of help and resources do they provide for teachers? What questions do you have? What do you want to know more about?

8 Looking More Closely at a Benchmark
Choose one of the elementary benchmarks. Use the teacher’s guides to figure out what that benchmark looks like at your grade level: Look through each of the teacher’s guides and identify lessons that address the benchmark you have chosen. (The table of contents is a good place to start.) Read the lessons: What are children at your grade level expected to know and do in relation to that benchmark? Compare the lessons from each of the different teacher’s guides: What are some similarities and differences?

9 Project #2 Design, teach, and analyze a textbook lesson on place value or computation. “Open up” the work involved in teaching a lesson. Work in detail on aspects of teaching that you will then learn to do much more fluently.

10 Project #2 Schedule Part I Part II Part III
With your cooperating teacher, select a textbook lesson on place value or computation to teach between November 3 and 14 Size up the lesson: Clarify the mathematical learning goals for your students & set a goal for yourself Write-up due by Thursday, November 6 Part II Design the lesson Written plan due by Thursday, November 13 Part III Teach and analyze the lesson Write-up due by Wednesday, November 26, 3 p.m.

11 Preparing to Teach a Lesson
What questions do you ask yourself as you are preparing to teach a lesson? What things do you need to consider?

12 What Makes Ordering Decimals Difficult
The length of a number no longer a clue Some numbers “look” large Multiple representations for same number: .4, .40, and 0.4 Lack of understanding of what the numbers mean (how we read decimals) Money overly supports “correct” answers with tenths and hundredths

13 Wrap Up Assignments Not collecting notebooks this week
Office hours: Wednesday, 3:15-4:15

14 Assignments Reading Project #2 start up
Browse MI CLiMB Ladson-Billings, Ch. 4 Don’t need to use two-column format for reflection Project #2 start up Read the project description Reflect on your growth & possible learning goals me once you have set a date for your lesson with your cooperating teacher Designing lists of decimals to order

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