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By: Nathaly, Sevin and Sthefany

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1 By: Nathaly, Sevin and Sthefany
Southern Red Bishop By: Nathaly, Sevin and Sthefany 6/14/2011

2 What does this animal look like?

3 The southern red bishop has a bright red head and throat
The southern red bishop has a bright red head and throat. Its face and breast are black. The tail and wings are brown. Its bill is heavy for seed eating. This animal grows up to four and a half inches tall. 6/14/2011

4 Where does this animal live?

5 The southern red bishop lives in open plains and tall grass throughout east and central Africa.

6 What does this animal eat?

7 The southern red bishop eats green and ripe seeds
The southern red bishop eats green and ripe seeds. It also eats seeds on the ground or that are hanging. This bird also eats insects, new leaves and flowers. 6/14/2011

8 How does this animal protect itself?

9 To protect itself, the southern red bishop travels in flocks.

10 What are other interesting facts about this animal?

11 A southern red bishop male builds several nests to attract females during breeding season.
It also belongs in a bird family with other birds like Weavers, Quelas, and Windowbirds. 6/14/2011

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